Use of the Peak Heart Rate Reached During Six-Minute Walk Test to Predict Individualized Training Intensity in Patients With Cystic Fibrosis: Validity and Reliability Mathieu Gruet, PhD, Jeanick Brisswalter, PhD, Laurent Mely, MD, Jean-Marc Vallier, MD, PhD Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Volume 91, Issue 4, Pages 602-607 (April 2010) DOI: 10.1016/j.apmr.2009.12.008 Copyright © 2010 American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine Terms and Conditions
Fig 1 Assessment of the agreement between the HR6peak and the HRGET for the patients with CF (top left, A, and top right, C) and the control subjects (bottom left, B, and bottom right, D). A and B: peak heart rate values determined during 6MWT (HR6peak) plotted against the heart rate values at the determined GET (HRGET) for the 2 groups. C and D: Average of the HR6peak and the HRGET values plotted against the difference between the 2 values. The solid line indicates the mean of the differences (not significantly different from 0 in both groups). The dashed lines indicate the limits of agreement (ie, ±1.96 SD of the differences; see text for details). Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2010 91, 602-607DOI: (10.1016/j.apmr.2009.12.008) Copyright © 2010 American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine Terms and Conditions