What a FIBA Agent should know about Anti-Doping
What is Doping ? The following constitute Anti-Doping Rule Violations (ADRV): Presence of a prohibited substance in a player's bodily specimen (urine or blood). Use or attempted use of a prohibited substance or method. Refusing, or failing without compelling justification, to submit to a doping test. Violation of requirements regarding player‘s availability for out-of-competition testing, including failure to provide acurate whereabouts. Tampering, or attempting to tamper, with any part of the doping test. Possession, administration or trafficking of any prohibited substance or method. Assisting, encouraging, aiding, abetting, covering up or any other type of complicity involving an ADRV.
Who can be accused of an ADRV? Agent Team Doctor The Player Administrator Coach Physiotherapist As a consequence, everyone involved in basketball shall be well informed about doping and its consequences.
FIGHT Against doping & resulting process A basketball player must : Make himself available for testing in-competition Make himself available for testing out-of-competition Obtain a Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) prior to using a medication which contains a prohibited substance
In & Out-of-competition testing In-Competition Testing at national level, organised by a national body (e.g: NF, NADO) at international level, organised by FIBA, IOC, etc Out-of-Competition Testing at national level, organised by a national body (e.g: NF, NADO) at international level, organised by FIBA, WADA *Definition of a RTP: Pool of top-level players established separately by each International Federation and National Anti-Doping Organisation Note: Top players may be included by NF/NADO/FIBA in a Registered Testing Pool (RTP)*. As a consequence, they must provide upon request their daily whereabouts for a given time period (usually 3 months) so that they can be located for testing at all times.
Therapeutic Use Exemptions Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) process: Where to apply for a TUE? For players who intend to play at national level: To the competent national TUE Committee by sending the request to: - National Federation (Contact details under www.fiba.com) - National Anti-Doping Organisation (NADO) http://www.wada-ama.org/en/Anti-Doping-Community/NADOs/List-of-NADOs/ For players who intend to play at international level: To the FIBA TUE Committee: tue@fiba.com Note: TUE application forms can be downloaded from the FIBA website.
Prohibited Substances Which substances are mostly found in basketball? Cannabis Testosterone (Elevated T/E ratio) Nandrolone Ephedrine & Pseudoephedrine (“over the counter” supplements!) Cocaine Stimulants Methylhexaneamine
Result Management Sanctions In case of a positive result (Adverse Analytical Finding – AAF) Who is competent to decide ? At national level At international level NF, NADO, etc FIBA IOC (Olympic Games) Which FIBA bodies decide? Who can appeal to which body?
National Competent body FIBA Disciplinary Panel Result Management Decision- making Bodies Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) FIBA Appeals’ Panel WADA National Competent body (NF, NOC, NADO) Or Other Organisations (IOC, OCA, NBA) Player FIBA Disciplinary Panel
2010 FIBA Anti-Doping Rules FIBA Rules are drafted on the basis of the WADA Model Rules for International Federations. However, some parts specific to FIBA & the sport of basketball are maintained (e.g: sanctioning mechanism).
Result management procedures FIBA notifies by registered mail of the positive result: The player/Agent The NF/NADO WADA At the same time, FIBA: May suspend the player provisionally, Notifies the player of his right to : ask for the B sample analysis be heard before the FIBA Disciplinary Panel
What are the Sanctions? Non-Specified substances: 2 years' ineligibility Specified substances: At a minimum a reprimand and maximum 2 years’ ineligibility, If the player can establish how a specified substance entered in his body or came into his possession and that there was no intention to enhance the sport performance or to mask the use of a performance-enhancing substance. Reduction, elimination or increase of period of ineligibility, depend on the players’ fault or negligence See table in Art. 10.7.1 for multiple violations, if applicable If more than one player within one team has an AAF, consequences to teams may also apply (see Art.11).
INEligibility PERIOD Commencement of Ineligibility Period Date of the decision ( see Art.10.9 for exceptions) Status during Ineligibility Prohibition against participation in any capacity in an Event or activity (also include NBA / WNBA/ NBDL) other than authorized anti-doping education or rehabilitation programs. Training is authorized : for Players who have been suspended for 18 months or more, as of 6 months prior to the expiry of the period of Ineligibility for Players who have been suspended for less than 18 months, as of 3 months prior to the expiry of the period of Ineligibility.
INEliGIBILITY PERIOD Violation of the prohibition of participation : all medals and prizes are forfeited the period of Ineligibility starts over again as of the date of the violation (unless the Secretary General decides otherwise). In any case, the Player remains subject to Testing.
INEliGIBILITY PEriod Reinstatement Testing As a condition to regain eligibility, a Player must : Be available for Out-of-Competition Testing Comply with the whereabouts requirements NB: No financial sanction may be considered as a basis for reducing the period of Inegibility.
appeal 1. Decisions subject to Appeal Any decision made under these Anti-Doping Rules. 2. Persons entitled to Appeal Player or other Person subject to the decision FIBA and any other Anti-Doping Organization IOC WADA
APPEAL 3. Time for filing Appeal Appeal must be made in writing and must be received by FIBA within the limit provided for in the applicable General Status or Internal Regulations of FIBA. In the absence of such a limit the statement of appeal must be received by FIBA within 14 days following the day of receipt by the appealing party of the decision being appealed against. Failure to file a timely appeal in accordance with this paragraph is deemed to be a waiver of the right to appeal. The appeal shall be accompaigned by a copy of the decision appealed against.
APPEAL 4. Decisions taken by national member federations or organizations outside FIBA The Secretary General may decide : - to adopt such decision for FIBA Competitions if precise requirements are cumulatively met; - to submit a case to FIBA Disciplinary Panel. The Panel may decide whether and to what extent a sanction shall be imposed for the purposes of FIBA Competitions; - all National Federations must comply with decision of FIBA.
Useful References WADA Prohibited Substances and Methods FIBA Internal Regulations governing Anti-Doping Others: Medical Corner (www.fiba.com/experts): Anti-Doping procedures (TUE & Whereabouts), FIBA Anti-Doping Rules, Prohibited List, Doping Control process, Clean Game campaign, etc. WADA website (www.wada-ama.org): WADA Code, International Standards, Prohibited List, NADO contact details, etc.
USEFUL REFEREnces For further information, please contact FIBA Anti-Doping Department : Ms.Virginie Alberto, Anti-Doping Officer, alberto@fiba.com.