ISACC Activities Since GSC-16 Document No: GSC17-PLEN-41 Source: ISACC Contact: Jim MacFie GSC Session: PLEN Agenda Item: 4.5 ISACC Activities Since GSC-16 Jim MacFie Chairman, ISACC
ISACC Plenary Meetings Since GSC-16 ISACC-46 (May 2012): Canadian Priorities and Collaboration for ICT Standards Development ISACC-47 (November 2012): Canadian Broadband Mobile Deployment Opportunities and Challenges ISACC-48 (May 2013): Canadian Standards Priorities beyond WTSA and WCIT
Standards Priorities (ISACC-46) ISACC Task Group on ICT Standards Priorities was struck at 46th ISACC Plenary, to examine challenges Canada is experiencing in ICT standards development, including: Declining Canadian participation in ICT Standardization (ISO, IEC, JTC 1, ITU-T) in recent years A shift in standardization focus from accredited Standards Development Organizations (SDOs) to non-accredited Forums and Consortia A loss of Canadian ICT business competitiveness through lack of engagement in standardization, or lack of knowledge, or training, of current standards in place
Task Group Terms of Reference Has Canadian participation in ICT standards development really declined in recent years, and if yes, is it a problem that needs to be addressed? Could Canada be a Taker vs. a Maker of standards and achieve acceptable results? Is there overlap occurring on high priority or “hot topic” areas of standardization? If so, is this a problem that needs to be addressed? What opportunity exists to better coordinate ICT standards activities by Canadians?
Top 5 Priorities Most important ICT standards subject areas for Canada: Information security (cyber-security, spam and cybercrime) Software and system engineering Information privacy and the protection of personal information Product safety Operation and maintenance of ICT systems
Broadband Mobile Deployment (ISACC-47) Mobile broadband services available to 98% of Canadians at speeds up to 21 Mbit/s Eleven million Canadians had mobile data plans in 2012; twenty million will use mobile data by 2016 Trends driving the demand for mobile broadband: the on-going invention of new wireless products the application of ICTs to new areas (e.g. smart grids, smart homes) new research into wireless machine-to-machine communications the licensing of addition wireless spectrum the evolution of end-user behaviour
Spectrum Harmonization Mobile broadband spectrum harmonization is needed to: enable economies of scale reduce equipment and device design complexity increase device battery life facilitate global roaming services encourage competition increase overall network efficiency reduce capital expenditures reduce cost for consumers
Beyond WTSA & WCIT (ISACC-48) Focussed on preparing ISACC members to contribute to the ITU Plenipotentiary Conference in 2014 and the prior meetings including the World Telecommunication Policy Forum and Development Conference Discussed the appropriate model for the future of global ICT standards development
GSC-16bis ISACC successfully organized an interim meeting of the GSC IPR Working Group, October 9th 2012, hosted by ITU in Geneva Fulfilled an agreement reached at GSC-16 Summary of the GSC-16bis meeting is at:
Support for Cooperation at WTSA Canada supported WTSA Resolution 81, which created a cooperation and coordination group within TSAG Canada supported WTSA Resolution 82, which established a Review Committee to conduct a strategic review of ITU-T The ISACC Chairman is the Review Committee Vice-chairman from the Americas region
ITU-T and JTC 1 Experience Canada is active in the Collaborative Teams formed by ITU-T and JTC 1 to develop standards for cloud computing Canada has devised a mechanism to form a single mirror committee for Canadian participation in the Collaborative Teams
ISACC Proposals Canada is proposing to GSC-17 a new Resolution on the topic of Collaboration and Cooperation Canada is proposing to GSC-17 the creation of a new GSC Task Force on Collaboration and Cooperation Canada is proposing that GSC-17 revise the Governing Principles and Operating Procedures document to further promote cooperation and collaboration among Members
ISACC Contributions to GSC-17 Proposals to revise four Resolutions from GSC-16: GSC-16/01 (Plenary) Continuing Cooperation on IMT Standardization (Revised) GSC-16/21: (GRSC) Broadband Wireless Access, RLANs and ad-hoc Networking (Revised) GSC-16/15: (GRSC) Reconfigurable Radio Systems (Reaffirmed) GSC-16/32: (Plenary) Cloud Computing (Revised) Proposal for a brand new Resolution: Resolution GSC-17/xx (Plenary) Strengthening Collaboration and Cooperation Proposed revision to Scope and Mandate of GSC in: (ADMIN WG) Governing Principles and Operating Procedures (ADMIN WG) Guidance to Meeting Hosts