International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme at CPA Grade 12 Parent/Guardian Information Session 28 September 2017
Welcome! Christopher Hall 902 832 8964 ext. 755 1317
IB and CPA: Where are we now? Internal Assessment Calendar Teachers are working together to spread these out Registration in November for May Exams HL vs. SL
Creativity Activity, Service (CAS) and Extended Essay (EE) Where are we now continued Creativity Activity, Service (CAS) and Extended Essay (EE) CAS – Students have been assigned to Teacher Advisors, who will assist students with defining goals and completing CAS activities reflection and documenting work EE – Students have been assigned to Teacher Advisors, who will assist students with completion of rough draft, guiding research and meeting IB requirements topic related questions and support
Earning the IB Diploma Must score 24 points total – Therefore, students must be anticipated to score 24 points by January in order to continue in the IB program Other IB requirements 12+ total points in 3 HL subjects 9+ total points in 3 SL subjects No 1s in any course No more than two 2s No more than three 3s No E in TOK or EE CAS completed Agreement with the NS department of education (EECD) that successful IB students will be relieved of the NS graduation requirements. If students are not successful then they must assume these requirements. More details in the General Regulations Document that will be emailed to you
May Exams Exam Schedule posted for students on the school website and the CPA IB website Early, structured review is important Study timetable Please see your guidance counsellors for support Support examples – time management, organization, study skills, stress management, mental health and well being etc…
Post-secondary Planning University application deadlines IB vs. PSP transcripts Universities program requirements Advanced placement/ transfer credits Unique Scholarships Guidance counsellor support A word about early admissions
A few words about grades Assessment in IB continued… A few words about grades 7s are exceptional pieces of work 6s are magnificent 5s are excellent 4s are very good 3s are good 2s are satisfactory 1 is unsatisfactory
NS Department of Education Conversion Scale Assessment in IB continued… NS Department of Education Conversion Scale Once a student’s overall grade is calculated and converted into a 1-7 grade, it is then converted into a percentage using a conversion scale provided by the NS Department of Education 7 = 99–100 6 = 92–98 5 = 84–91 4 = 77–83 3 = 70–76 2 = 50–69 1 = Failing Grade Final marks that will end up on a NS transcript
IB Commitment and Academic Honesty Agreement IB Website You will be sent an email with several documents Please read the IB General Regulations Document Please read the CPA IB Academic Honesty and Attendance policies Please sign and return the Commitment Agreement form and the Media Release Form Forms to be given to Mr. Hall
ManageBac An IB compatible system for communication, passing in assignments, and constructing the CAS portfolio Parents will have access to ManageBac and will be able to look see progress in CAS/EE, messages as well as the calendar of events By adding your email address to the IB commitment agreement, I will create an individual login that is linked to your child
Thank you for your support of IB @ CPA Questions? Next info meeting will be November 2nd before report cards are generated