Macomb County Multi - Tiered System of Support Coaches Network Please take a lunch Find a seat with other representatives from your district We will begin promptly at 11:00am
Welcome And Introductions Jason Novetsky, Ph.D School Psychology Consultant for Behavior and Learning Support Will facilitate discussions on topics concerning Positive Behavior Support 586-228-3442 Maureen Staskowski, Ph.D Consultant, Speech, Language, and Literacy Will facilitate discussions on topics concerning academic approaches to MTSS/RtI 586-228-3483
Purpose of MTSS Coaches Network Develop a Macomb County Network linking all of the district teams in the county Systematically establish A vehicle for distribution of information/materials A vehicle for MISD to learn of the needs of the district in order to provide optimal support Opportunities to network implementers of MTSS/RtI/PBIS Replaces the former MISD PBIS and RtI Networks with integrated, systematic district network
Participants For implementers and coaches of MTSS representing their local district This will not be an intro series with basic information
MTSS Coaches Network Meetings Lunch as we begin meeting Large Group gathering with Academic and Behavioral “Coaches” or “Representatives” to discuss common issues/information in regard to MTSS Implementation District level planning News Websites Policies Split into Academic/Behavior Groups as needed (different room) to focus on relevant behavior or academic MTSS areas.
Macomb ISD MTSS Brochure
First Large Group Activity How can the MTSS Network support your district MTSS initiative? What are topics you would like at MTSS Network meetings? With whom do you need to share the information you learn at the MTSS Network in your district? Discuss and make a plan for how you are going to do that. For this first bullet – shall we share an implementation checklist that their district team could use to assess where they are at? We could give them Florida and Kansas (by posting them) Part of bullet three should be a discussion of who is responsible if there are several people there – when we went to large AT teams we had the issue of everyone thinki ng someone else was forwarding the info Maybe then we could ask for the info related to the first bullet at the next meeting. Should we post this as a blog so that everone can see everyone else answers? (kick off the networking aspect.)
Upcoming Professional Development Literacy Corrective Reading/REACH October 1-2, 2012 Comprehensive Literacy Profile/Plan for Middle/High School Students October 2, 2012 Language for Learning October 3, 2012 Reading Mastery October 4, 2012 Early Literacy Series: Phonics and Word Recognition & Fluency October 10, 2012 Close/Critical Reading Using Guided Highlighted Reading October 15, 2012 Behavior Tier 2 SW-PBIS featuring the Check In-Check Out Intervention December 7, 2012 CHAMPs Classroom Management, January 24-25, 2013 Tier 3 PBIS, FBA/BIP Development, February 1, 2013
Special Opportunity Team consultation with Joann Allain on December 4, 2012 2 slots left in the afternoon Contact Jason to reserve
Website Highlight The RTI Action Network
District Implementation Time for Evaluating, Regrouping, Goal Setting
Evaluating District progress and setting goals for the upcoming year Macomb District Needs Assessment (adapted from Kansas)
Time to split Academic Coaches will… Behavior Coaches will…