created by: Mrs. Cindy Henry Fractal Iterations created by: Mrs. Cindy Henry Harding Charter Prep High
Lesson 9.4 What do you see?
Stage 0 Iteration
Stage 1 Iteration
Stage 2 Iteration
Stage 3 Iteration
Stage 4 Iteration
Stage 5 Iteration
Stage 6 Iteration
Stage 7 Iteration
What did you see? 45-45-90 Triangles Levy Curve Do it again!
Base-Motif Fractals WHAT ARE THEY? Take a shape — any shape that is composed of line segments. Call this shape a base. Now take another shape and call it the motif. Substitute every line segment in the base with the motif. Do the same with the resulting figure. Now continue substituting an infinite amount of time. The process you are doing is called generator iteration. What you get at the end is a base-motif fractal.
What did you see? 45-45-90 Triangles Levy Curve