Socratic Seminars A Socratic Seminar is a scholarly discussion of an essential question in which student opinions are shared, proven, and politely argued through dialogue . The teacher leads the discussion.
Socratic Seminars: Purpose The purpose of a Socratic Seminar is to answer the essential question: Should humans be able to change the habitats of animals or contribute to climate change in order to support businesses grow?
Consider: Should humans be able to change the habitats of animals… What happens to animals when you change their habitats? How are humans affecting the habitats of animals?
…contribute to climate change … Consider: …contribute to climate change … Does human behavior contribute to climate change or is that a hoax?
… in order to support businesses grow? Consider: … in order to support businesses grow? Why do businesses feel that they need support in order to grow? Who benefits from business growing stronger?
Socratic Seminars: Purpose The purpose of a Socratic Seminar is to answer the essential question: Should humans be able to change the habitats of animals or contribute to climate change in order to support businesses grow?
Socratic Seminars: Day #1, The Steps Independently brainstorm your thoughts in your notebook. You need evidence, so give examples from your life or from your reading (5 minutes) Share your ideas with your partner. Encourage your partner to strengthen their evidence.(3 minutes) Modify your thoughts in your notebook (3 minutes)
Socratic Seminars: Day # 2 & 3: The Steps Read articles in support of your thoughts. Add evidence to your notes. Example: I think that _______________. The author ________ agrees with me when he/she writes, “__________.”
Socratic Seminars: Day # 4, The DAY, The Rules You should support your opinions with evidence from life or from the text. Each person is given 2 pennies. In order to offer your opinion or thoughts, you must spend 1 penny. You can only speak 2 times, so make it count! You may ask relevant questions of other participants FOR FREE. Each person must ask 1 question during the seminar. Example: Could you please elaborate? Could you please give an example?
Socratic Seminars: Last Rule You must listen to the speaker. No side conversations.