Consorzio Interuniversitario Improving Scientific Research in Higher Education Institutions: a process management experience in Italian Universities
Core Activities: Supercomputing services for scientific research IT services for the Italian Ministry of university and research IT services for universities University Consortium No-Profit Founded in Members: 36 Universities 2 Research institutes Italian Ministry of University and Research Employees: 360 Owned company: Kion (.. and others) CINECA for Higher Education
CINECA Solutions and Services for the University Administration Department Organization Head of Department Product Manager U GOV Research & Developement External Relations HR Area Research Area Product Development Customer Services Help-desk Consulting Education Accounting Area Planning & Controlling Area Product Development Customer Services Help-desk Consulting Education Product Development Customer Services Help-desk Consulting Education Product Development Customer Services Help-desk Consulting Education KION Learning & Students Management Area Product Development Customer Services Help-desk Consulting Education Account Management
Italian Higher Education context Students and learning ResearchAccountingHR Planning & Controlling Students Database Courses Database Research funds Delivery Professors Database Ministry of University and Research Single University
U-GOV Solution Map
Planning Accounting Research Learning Human Resources Student Services (integration) Controlling Payroll (integrat.) Re-engeneeringBeta TestDeploy Project Management U-GOV Roadmap DevelopmentBeta TestDeploy DevelopmentBeta TestDeploy DevelopmentBeta TestDeploy DevelopmentBeta TestDeploy DevelopmentBeta TestDeploy DevelopmentBeta TestDeploy DevelopmentBeta TestDeploy Re-engeneeringBeta TestDeploy
Number of Users Applications HR management (since 1990) Accounting management (since 1997) Student management (since 1999, Kion) Research management (since 2005) Planning & Controlling (since 2002) At least one CINECAs solution Total Italian Universities (public, private, telematic) University Users 67 (69%) 44 (45%) 68 (70%) 20 (21%) 83 (86%) 97
U-GOV Technological Architecture
CINECAs vision on research processes Project management internally and externally funded (Gov, EU, Industry): administering the grant, complying with regulations, reporting to funders. Research results repository management (publications, patents, conference speeches,..) Research results assessment (publication, projects, research groups) Research assets management (research teams and groups, research units, laboratories, equipments, facilities, skills..) Dissemination and Technology transfer Integration with national and istitutional repositories/systems Projects Results Assessment Assets Dissemination
Research Management Processes Call for Proposal Proposal Assessment Project Management Financial/Scientific Reporting Final Results (Output) Management Resources, Tools, Labs Results Assessment Dissemination and Exploitation
Research Project Management Project Configuration –Project type –Cost prospect model –Work package model Project informations –Total budget and annual budget –Work Packages definitions –People and resources Timesheet submitting by researchers Business Intelligence facilities for Indirect Costs Allocation Reporting for funders Internal reporting about work in progress and results
Publication Repository IT issues No duplications: automatic recognition of publication already submitted Each publication has a unique data owner Attachments to publications (e.g. full text) Integration with the Universitys human resource database: infos about authors Integration with national and istitutional IT systems Import and export using standards like MODS, BibTex, ISI, OAI, Endnote, Pubmed Gateways for systems interoperability and data export (e.g. OAI-PMH pubblication metadata harvest, other web services)
Results Repository goals It gathers all the research results produced by an author that works for the University publications, patents, products, conferences, seminars It shows statistics about publications, researchers, research teams, research units, areas It is the start point for Assessment process It exports data to: University Libraries University Portal National/institutional systems and websites
Assessment Process Step 1 Session configuration Step 2 Assessment session Definition of publications and evaluators Definition of session rules Session opening Peer to peer Assessment activities Session endind Assessments publication Reporting CommitteeReferee/PeerAuthorResearch Office
Assessment session Session opening Referees can preview the assigned publications Blind review Automatic assessments Session management Referees express their opinion about pubblications Referees report errors/issues, view progress of requests. President and Research Office manage session work in progress and warnings (open/in progress/accepted/rejected) Reporting Session analysis Final results sorted by categories, authors, groups and teams, areas.
Research Assets Research groups and teams (skills, areas, activities,..) Additional information about grants Annual research planning Scientific partnership Labs, equipments, facilities. Cultural and technological transfer
Harmonization of Higher Education Area (Bologna Process) RS3G (Rome Student Systems and Standards Group) is group of software implementers and stakeholders in the European Higher Education domain focused to the definition and adoption of standards for the exchange of student data. Metadata for Learning Opportunity and European Learner Mobility
European collaboration opportunities EUNIS workshop on research management system (october 2009 host CINECA) U-GOV user groups and focus groups as a starting point to European best practice sharing CORDIS data exchange automation ? EUROPEANA repository EuroCRIS Others
Thank you for your attention Nicola Bertazzoni External Relations Manager Fabrizio Luglio Research Systems and Services Division Manager Questions?