Executive Committee Update Carl Berg, MD OPTN/UNOS President
Action Item(s) for the Board November 2014 Consent Agenda - Approval of June 23-24, 2014 Board of Directors Meeting Minutes There is one action item from the Executive Committee for the Board this meeting, and it is on the consent agenda. As a routine matter, the Board is asked to formally approve the minutes from the June 2014 Board meeting.
Executive Committee Actions Correction to Policy 3.4.C (Candidate Registration) Clerical edits to the Kidney-Pancreas transition plan policy Delete Duplicative HIV Fields on Living Donor Registration (LDR) Form Review of Proposals Prior to Submission for Fall 2014 Public Comment Review and approve Plan to Address Conflicts of Interests Review and approve Consent Agenda One of the key roles of the Executive Committee is to act in place of the Board in between Board meetings. In this role, the Executive Committee approved several actions described on this slide. These were non-controversial housekeeping type modifications to policies, which are typically unintended or unknown consequences discovered by staff after Board approval and prior to the effective date of approved changes. In addition, the Executive Committee approves proposals for distribution for public comment, and also approves proposed new committee projects. Finally, prior to each meeting of the board of directors, the Committee meets to approve a plan to address any potential conflicts of interests at the pending board meeting, and the proposed consent agenda.
Executive Committee Discussions Forum for Redesigning Liver Distribution EVLP Lung Perfusion Study POC - Committee Project Prioritization Pending spike of proposals in June 2015 OPTN Strategic Planning In keeping with an increased focus on the organization’s strategic goals, the Executive Committee regularly meets to discuss issues that have the potential to affect the OPTN strategic goals and the transplant community at large. Since the last report to the Board, the Executive has discussed: Liver distribution Proposed EVLP lung perfusion study POC report on committee project prioritization; and of course OPTN Strategic planning. I’m happy to entertain any questions regarding these Executive Committee activities.