Angela Pacheco Trimble County High School Science Department August 13th, 2014 Angela Pacheco Trimble County High School Science Department
1st Period Astronomy Starter: get out a sheet of paper (can keep it in your notebook, if you want…we will turn it in on Friday) Announcements and Pledge: Students will remain quiet during the announcements. We will stand together and say the pledge. SW/APOD: internet activity – finish yesterday’s, begin today’s! Discuss Perseid meteor shower and “Supermoon” Give out classroom expectations. Begin unit 1: Summer Stargazing Class will end today at 9:08
2nd Period Chemistry Starter: get out writing utensils, paper and textbook stamps Check textbook stamps – give out books Give out and discuss Learning Target Sheet New skill: Scientific Notation (Green) New skill: Dimensional Analysis (Pacheco) Finish: Classroom Expectations Begin classroom expectations Upcoming due dates: Friday: Sections 1.1 and 1.2 notes Monday: Calculators Class will end at 9:58
Conceptual Physics Starter: get out textbook stamp and SMQ sheet from yesterday Check textbook receipts; issue books SMQ – finish from yesterday Classroom expectations Class will end at 10:48
Advisory Welcome back…to the best advisory group! Finish SLC version 2.0 discussion Your current concerns? District handbook: Pg. 11, 13-14, 15-16, 18 – 19, 24-28, 29-30. Student Handbook Class will end at 11:22
4th Period Astronomy Starter: get out a sheet of paper (can keep it in your notebook, if you want…we will turn it in on Friday) SW/APOD: internet activity – finish yesterday’s, begin today’s! Discuss Perseid meteor shower and “Supermoon” Give out classroom expectations. Begin unit 1: Summer Stargazing Lunch 11:55-12:20 Class will end today at 12:46
Advanced Physics Starter: get out textbook stamps Check for stamps; issue books Juniors will be called out for a class meeting Diagnostic test: moved until tomorrow, due to junior class meeting Class expectations Class will end at 1:26
AP Chemistry Starter: get out lecture 12 Check for textbook receipts We will break between 6th and 7th (2:16-2:20) Go over enrollment packet stuff – update – remind me! Continue unit 1, lecture 12