Pilot River Basin Activity WFD and Agriculture 2008 - 2009 Kick Off Meeting, 16 January 2008 European Commission - DG Environment Unit D.2: Water and Marine
Next key priorities of the PRB-Agriculture Activity Context of development of the river basin management plans and programmes of measures in all EU districts Need to foster the exchange of experience and information on RBMP and PM Key issue for all EU river basins today
Operational objectives of the PRB-Agriculture Activity Carry on the building up of the Catalogue of Measures Provide good examples – costs, benefits Assess the effectiveness of the measures Possibly contribute to the discussion on RDR Article 38 Assess improved farming practices and impacts of new technologies Set up RBMP with the involvement of all stakeholders
Development of catalogue of measures EU wide source of information on measures aimed to address agricultural pressures Access data base with two starting points: (1) pressure based approach and (2) measure based approach Three main groups of measures: (1) economic and regulatory instruments; (2) technical measures; (3) training and advisory services This tool will help MS design their programmes of measures
Attributes Effectiveness Pollution Layers for each pressure: Pollution (nitrogen, phosphorus and pesticides) Alterations of hydrologic regimes Hydro-morphological modification of surface water Soil erosion Remarks Attributes Costs Attributes Effectiveness Implementation M1 Measure M2 M3
Attributes Effectiveness Measure Attributes Costs Attributes Effectiveness Implementation Remarks Description Direct costs and references to case studies with wider economic costs and benefits Magnitude, scale, timing, certainty Planned/adopted, constraints Synergies, links with other pressures, references
Timetable First draft catalogue to be disseminated to the SSG on WFD and Agriculture in early February 2008 1st trimester 2008: discussion and refinement May 2008: presentation to SCG June 2008: presentation to WD Iterative process with further improvement planned beyond June 2008 in light of the draft RBMP and PM
Core group on article 38 of RDR Context: forthcoming definition of article 38 implementing rules at EU level Challenge: ensure effective use of article 38 to help implement WFD emerging measures Objective of core group: organise exchange of views on future use of article 38 by MS, opportunities and identification of appropriate conditions of use – work to start in early 2008 Participants: BE (Fl), FR, LU, PL, COPA-COGECA, ECPA, EUREAU
Expected added value of the PRB-Agriculture Activity Have an efficient network to help the selection of cost-effective measures at river basin level As part of the activity, explore existing funding mechanisms to support the implementation of the measures Collect experience on public participation
Expected outcomes of the PRB-Agriculture Activity Networking on agricultural measures 2. Refinement of the catalogue of measures 3. Development of a Web Platform to exchange the outcomes of the PM and good examples
1. Networking on agricultural measures Objective : To address key agricultural issues in a context of RBMP and PM preparation Practical organisation : Setting-up of a series of workshops Possible consideration of 2 parts – audience can go beyond the sole PRB network Part A : contributions by PRBs on the key selected issue Part B : possible visits or demonstrations of good examples of measures
1. Networking on agricultural measures Location/Host Key issue(s) to be addressed Date/Period AAA Pilot River Basin Water quantity issues Spring 2008 CCC Pilot River Basin Nutrient pollution Autumn 2008 YYY Pilot River Basin Pesticides Winter 2008 ZZZ Pilot River Basin Physical modifications and habitat loss Spring 2009 Other possible issue : sediments (erosion and P pollution)
Topics Horizontal issues Nutrient Pollution Financing of measures Pesticide Pollution Cost-Effectiveness of measures Water use and quantity Territorial approach for the selection of measures Sediments Habitat loss and Physical Modif.
2. Refinement of the catalogue of measures From early 2008 : PRB contributions will serve as inputs to the draft catalogue of measures The catalogue will be updated after each event organised – in particular to have more information on costs, effectiveness and benefits of the measures
3. Development of a Web Platform Need to ensure rapid exchange of information with the wider river basin community PRB will be able to download reports, statements, data, etc. Possibility to have on-line discussion groups on specific issues for all interested parties The Web Platform will be incorporated in the WISE web system.
Thank you for your attention
Pilot River Basin Key issues Period