PREHISTORY LIVE-STYLE Created by : Sergio Ruiz Gorka Fernández Silvia Segovia Eman el Farissi of 4ºB group 5º
Paleolithic The oldest and longest period in Prehistory is the Paleolithic Period. People were nomadic. This means they didn´t live permanently in one place.
People hunted and fished to get food. People discover how to make fire People hunted and fished to get food. People discover how to make fire. They Wore clothes made of animal skin too. People made tools from stone,wood and animal bones.
Neolithic Neolithic period started about 10.000 years ago and ended 7.000 years ago. People discover how tocultivate plants from seeds. This was the agriculture. People Cultivate crops and raised animals.
People became sedentary. People were Artisans and farmers People became sedentary. People were Artisans and farmers. Peoples tarted to exchange the products that they made and thecrops they cultivate. This was the trade.
BronzeandIronAges Bronze and Iron Ages started about 7.000 years ago and ended about 5.000 years ago. In this period people discovered how to make objets from metal like:copper,bronze and iron.
People melted metal to make jewellery and Weapons People melted metal to make jewellery and Weapons. People do walls to defend the village.They invented the wheel and there was more trade than before. They could be: farmers,artisans,metalworkers,soldiersand traders.