Addressing rural digital gap in Finland 10.10.2018 Marianne Selkäinaho, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
Finland Surface area 338 145 km2 Population 5 509 928 forestry land 262 700 km2 (78%) agricultural land 22 500 km2 (6.7%) Population 5 509 928 share of rural population about 30% Population density 17 persons/km2 (EU-15 120 persons/km2) GDP: 209 billion euros (€) - 38 000 €/person share of agriculture and forestry 3.2% 2
Availability of fast broadband Availability of 100 Mbit/s 54% of population Differences between regions, rural areas 54 % use both fixed and mobile connection 40 % use mobile connection 6 % doesn’t use internet
Availability of 30 Mbit/s and 100 Mbit/s
Challenges for Rural Digitalization in Finland Huge distances Tens of thousands of lakes and rivers Thin layer of soil over the granite bedrock Sparsely populated Attitudes towards technology Amount of elderly people: dependency ratio 146 in 2016 Insufficient information and know-how about advantages of fast broadband Commercial operators boost mobile solutions as the only option Attitudes towards rural development Price of the fiber connection Access to backbone fiber network (for local actors, small operators)
Possibilities for Rural Digitalization in Finland Along a study (Rural Policy Council, 2016), 25 % of enterprises said, that fiber connection has played an crucial role in choosing the location of their business. the Health, social services and regional government reform Digitalisation of services
Good examples and good practices National funding for broadband backbone connection Small scale broadband infrastructure investments implemented in rural areas (RDP funding) So called Village broadband network The activator, “the priest” is needed and a lot of work New attitude and know-how Strong communication and interaction in region and between regions, CO-OPERATION Quality and reliability of services Local center of expertise and know-how, future of the region BCO Finland Smart Villages
BCO Finland The Finnish national Broadband Competence Office is a virtual organisation. It comprises the following public actors: Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, the Finnish administrative authority for the Rural Development Programme for Mainland Finland 2014–2020. The Development Programme finances broadband investments and digitalisation in rural areas. Ministry of Transport and Communications, whose responsibilities include broadband related legislation and the preparation of the broadband strategy. Agency for Rural Affairs (Mavi), whose responsibilities include instructing on the implementation of the aid from the Rural Development Programme for Mainland Finland, electronic transactions and data systems, and aid payments. Finnish Communications Regulatory Authority (FICORA) is the aid-granting authority for broadband project funding as laid down in the Broadband Subsidies Act. In addition, FICORA’s broadband promotion related duties include user guidance, technical regulations and market surveillance.
BCO Finland Laajakaistainfo is the website of Finland’s national Broadband Competence Office (BCO). The website provides information to anyone interested in broadband and broadband network deployment. The Laajakaistainfo website shares information about broadband deployment and availability and the progress of digitalisation. The website provides information about funding options and the rules governing aid and broadband network construction. Information sharing is technology-neutral across technologies.
What the broadband means in practice and what kind of benefits it brings? Video collection: A boost for networks! for-networks/
Smart Villages in Finland The Smartest Village of Finland -competition is now looking for villages that most actively and smartly develop their services in the fields of healthcare, education, energy, mobility, locally produced food, retail sale, hobbies and culture. The challenge is intended for villages with a willingness and need to increase their vitality, activity and innovative solutions. 33 villages in the competition Winner will be chosen in the beginning of 2020
Public funding for areas that are not covered by market based actions: Rural areas RDP funding for rural broadband investments has been suitable for rural villages Especially in Lapland they have found the inspiration and sparkle for co- operation and will to work towrds common target 3 000 km fast broadband in the programme period 2014-2020 with the RDP funding. The work is really slow but results are productive and resistant. Farmers, forest workers, ICT workers, tourism business and distant workers need the fast network for working, rural inhabitants for living (young people and elderly people). There is a need for public funding also in the future, EAFRD for rural areas, EFRD for other areas that are not covered by market based actions. Known and reliable tools but new models for funding and co-operation