Notes on Symbolism, Flashback and Foreshadowing
Symbols A concrete (tangible) object is used to represent an abstract (intangible) idea Ex: A dove represents peace, but is an abstract idea (it cannot be experienced in the physical world), but the dove is a tangible object (it can be touched/seen) therefore it becomes a symbol of peace. Note: Symbols are usually chosen because they resemble what they represent in some way. For example, a dove is a symbol for peace because it is a peaceful bird.
Flashback A shift in the narrative form from the present time of the story to something that happened in the past. Note: Flashback has a purpose. It is usually used to reveal more information about a character or the conflict in the story.
Foreshadowing Hints or clues that are given to lead the reader to make an assumption about what will happen later in the story. Note: Foreshadowing is usually used to lead the reader in the right direction; however, hints are sometimes given to lead the reader away from the actual conclusion in order to have a surprise ending.