Bellwork Pull out your work on the project from last week
Opening question What is static electricity and where does it come from?
Bellwork!!! What causes an object to become “charged”
Bellwork See whiteboard on left
Static electricity
Major ideas Insulator- does not allow electrons to move easily Conductor- allows for the easy flow of electricity
John Travoltage travoltage_en.html
Major concepts from John Travoltage Static charges spread out Static charges take a greater concentration (voltage) to arc farther distances
Electron Affinity A property of a material How badly a material “wants” electrons A material with a high electron affinity will steal electrons from a material with low electron affinity This generally isn’t given a number but is qualitative.
Polarization electricity/latest/balloons-and-static-electricity_en.html
Major concepts of polarization Charges can attract or repel the valence shell electrons of a neutral object. This changed distance will create an attractive force between ANY charged object and a neutral object Polarization is much weaker than Coulombic attraction
Polarization 2 THINGS ATTRACTING DOES NOT MEAN THEY ARE OPPOSITELY CHARGED In order to know that something is charged it MUST be able to repel something
Electric fields
The major concepts Lines= direction a positive particle goes in the field Asymptotes exist between two like charged particles Quantum Shielding– cool extra you wont be tested on…
Rutherford scattering/latest/rutherford-scattering_en.html