What is Assess2Know ® ? Assess2Know is an assessment tool that enables districts to create high-quality reading and math benchmark assessments for grades 3–8 that are aligned to your state standards.
With our 89 years of assessment expertise, you can count on Riverside to stand behind your test content and alignment. Create your own assessment program with an online test generator using your district pacing guide. Use our preconstructed fixed-form assessments that were created using a pacing guide reflecting your states scope and sequence. Receive meaningful results so that you can quickly begin remediation.
What is available? Reading and mathematics items in multiple-choice format. Item Banks Pool of 15,000+ items Individually aligned to each states standards 22 states Fixed Form Tests Prepackaged tests based on state curriculum Developed in consultation with districts Louisiana, Mississippi, and Ohio
Where is Assess2Know available?
How are Assess2Know items developed? Riverside creates Assess2Know content using the highest standards of quality. The professional educators on our staff have extensive item and test development expertise and work with experienced writers to develop reading passages and test items that measure specific standards. Items are evaluated so that students find assessments relevant, interesting, and engaging but not offensive, troubling, or distracting.
–Is clearly and simply written; –Contains vocabulary appropriate for grade level being tested; –Functions independently so that the answer to one item is not required as a condition for answering subsequent items; –Is free of bias and sensitivity issues; –Avoids information that is subject to change in a short period of time; –Requires student to read the passage in order to answer the question (reading tests); –Does not use all of the above or none of the above as answer options; –Presents answer options in a logical order and that are parallel in structure and length. The item development process involves careful scrutiny to ensure that each item:
How were items aligned to your state standards? Before any items are aligned, a thorough research process is initiated to gather as much information as possible about your states standards, assessments, and requirements. Items are reviewed for content, cognitive complexity, and scope. All reviewers are provided with training on your states specific requirements before they began aligning items. Each item is reviewed six times by six professionals to ensure that it is tightly aligned to the standard, down to the most granular level of the standards hierarchy, before it qualifies for the item bank or fixed form test.
How are tests created and delivered? Assess2Know is powered by the award-winning Edusoft Assessment Management System. Assess2Know can be delivered via the Edusoft System or as a content solution using local scoring and reporting methods. With Edusoft, districts can use the innovative paper-to-web solution to administer, score, and analyze benchmark assessments. Results are available within minutes so that remediation strategies can begin immediately. For the content solution, customers receive access to an online test generator that allows educators to create benchmark assessments to meet local needs. The benchmarks are printed and then scored using a local scoring system.
Why our items are of high quality… Grade 8 Reading A student reads a passage and then answers this item. cognitivelydifficult This item is cognitively more difficult than most items found on multiple-choice assessments. conclusion analyze This item requires the student to make a conclusion based on material read and to analyze the information provided.
Grade 8 Mathematics multistep This item is a good multistep item that can be used to assess a students knowledge of graphing of inequalities. understand interpret The student not only needs to have an understanding of inequality graphs but also must understand how to interpret a real-world situation without an actual inequality to solve. analyze The student must analyze the information given and then create an inequality and solve and graph it to obtain the solution.
Grade 5 Reading A student reads a passage and then answer this item. summary complicateddemanding This item is an excellent choice for an assessment because it asks the students to provide a summary of the passage. It is cognitively more complicated and demanding than a simple recall or comprehension item.
The high-quality Assess2Know items can be delivered by the Edusoft Assessment Management Systema paper-to-web solution that allows you to create, administer, score, and report on assessments quickly and easily.
The Performance Band report shows average scores overall and per standarddivided by customized performance bands for the group of students you select.
The Class List report shows how each student in a class or group performed on an exam, including results by standard.
The Item Analysis report shows how students performed on each item as well as how the test performed. Validity can be analyzed using the Kuder-Richardson reliability formula for the whole assessment and the difficulty (p-value), discrimination, and Point Biserial Correlation Coefficient (point biserial) for the items.
To learn more about Assess2Know and the Edusoft Assessment Management System, click here.click here Assess2Know and Edusoft The complete solution!