The solar system by Bradley shady The solar system is a group of objects that interact with one another. The solar system is the gathering of objects in space . About 4.6 billion years ago in our solar system was formed.
THE sun About more then 1 million 621,000 the sun is largest . The sun is a star in the Middle of the solar system . About more then 1 million 621,000 the sun is largest . Most of the energy comes from the sun.
mercury Mercury has steep cliffs. Mercury has a large core. Mercury is the size of Earths moon.
Venus Venus is almost the size of earth. Venus is the third brightest thing in earths sky. It has volcanoes.
The earth is the only planet that has liquid water on the surface. earth is the only planet in the solar system that has life. earth is the only planet that has an 21 percent oxygen. earth
a year on Mars might be almost twice as long as one year on Earth. Martian day is 24 hours and 39 minutes long, less than an hour longer than a day on Earth. Mars has seasons like Earth also. mars
The asteroid belt the bigger Asteroid have been given names like Cere. scientists believe that this debris within the asteroid belt. There are thousands upon thousands of rock. The asteroid belt
Jupiter Jupiter has a diameter of 88,700 miles, (142,750 kilometer.) Jupiter is a giant of the Solar System. Jupiter is a stormiest planet in our Solar System. Jupiter
Saturn The rings were first seen through a telescope. Saturn has about 18 moons. The biggest of the 18 moons, Titan, is the 2nd biggest moon in the Solar system. Saturn
Uranus Uranus cant be seen by the Earth without a telescope. Uranus has first seen by William Herschel in 1781 during a served. Serves discovered that Uranus has two moons. Uranus
Neptune Neptune is the 8 planet from the Sun. Neptune has actually been “discovered” in year 1845. Neptune is the Roman God of the Sea.
Dwarf planet There are 5 dwarf planets. Pluto is one of them. Dwarf planets are worlds that are too small to be considered full-fledged planets, but too large to fall into smaller categories. Harcourt school publishers. comets Harcourt school publishers.
The universe The universe is so vast it’s extremely difficult to know about. US Humans can only scratch at the surface of its immensity. What we do know has been made readily available to the public thanks to the leading space.
constellation Astronomers have divided the sky into 88 different . Astronomers have divided the sky into 88 different. armors were the first to use the constellations. . constellations.