Talent Management Director Professional Development Coordinator Teacher Committees Debbie Miser Talent Management Director Lee Simmons Professional Development Coordinator June 14, 2016
Huntsville Organizes a Talent Pool of Distinguished Teachers to Be Considered for Membership on Various Committees Principals recommend distinguished teachers each year who have: Exceptional educational talent as evidenced by effective instructional practices and student learning results in the classroom and school Exemplary educational accomplishments beyond the classroom that provide models of excellence in the profession More than three (3) years of dedication to teaching students in the Huntsville City School System Strong long-range potential for professional and policy leadership Engaging and inspiring presence that motivates and impacts students, colleagues and the community
Distinguished Teachers Are Assigned to Committees to Meet Requirements of the Consent Order and Other HCS Standards The Consent Order requires the District to ensure that the racial composition of each committee… approximates the District-wide racial composition of certified staff, except in exigent circumstances (e.g. individual calls in sick on short notice), which will be documented by the District. Additional measures that are considered for the composition of each committee includes the following: Content area taught School assignment Years of experience
In Each of the Past 5 Years, the Racial Composition of Each Committee Has Approximated the District-Wide Racial Composition of Certified Staff % of Teachers % of HCS Teachers who were Black 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 Academic Year
In Each of the Past 5 Years, the Racial Composition of Each Committee Has Approximated the District-wide Racial Composition of Certified Staff % of Teachers % of HCS Teachers who were Other 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 Academic Year
Over the Past 5 Years, Interview Committee Members Averaged About 16 Years of Teaching Experience Interview Committee Members Years of Experience 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 Academic Year
Teacher Committees for Huntsville City Schools Are Deliberately Managed to Ensure Maximum Effectiveness Principals recommend distinguished teachers to serve on committees each year Huntsville City Schools ensures that committees meet requirements set forth by the Consent Order and represent the schools across the district Over the past five years, the racial composition of each committee approximated the district-wide racial composition of certified staff Over the Past 5 Years, Interview Committee Members Averaged About 16 Years of Teaching Experience