J. Peter McBride Founder & CEO CVRS-INC.COM


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Presentation transcript:

J. Peter McBride Founder & CEO CVRS-INC.COM Cardiovascular Resource Solutions Inc. Disruptive Leadership with Impactful Healthcare Solutions J. Peter McBride Founder & CEO CVRS-INC.COM

J. Peter McBride Biography More than 40 years of healthcare feasibility assessment, business development, management, marketing, technology consulting, clinical operations and Faculty Professor at Loma Linda University. Cardiovascular Resource Solutions (CRS) Founder & CEO Feasibility; Market Assessment and Development Strategies. Physician Integration / Alignment Strategies. GE Healthcare Business Analyst North America. Client by client and regional market assessment strategies. Business development strategy for Multidisciplinary ASC. Hamlet Health Care (https://hamletmarketing.com/) Advisory Board Member and Investment Strategist.

J. Peter McBride Founder and CEO continued Medi+Sphere Development Inc (www.m-sdev.com) Director of clinical education and technology. Business development and architectural design for cardiovascular centers in Shanghai, China. Charles Franc and Associates Inc. (www.charlesfrancassociates.com) Executive consultant for business development, physician integration and market assessment strategies. Renova Therapeutics Inc. (https://renovatherapeutics.com/) Recruitment of Cardiologist specializing in Congestive Heart Failure. Strategic Healthcare Investment Advisor. Vital-Metrix Inc (http://vital-metrix.com) Feasibility, Market Assessment and Investment Strategist.

J. Peter McBride Founder and CEO continued BioLife4D (www.biolife4d.com) Executive advisor for healthcare investment strategies. Leonhardt Ventures (https://leonhardtventures.com) Advisory Board Member and Investment Strategist. Apex Perfusion Inc (Senior VP) Strategy and Business Development for Cardiac Perfusion. Advanced Hyperbaric Solutions Inc. (Founder & CEO) Limb Ischemia and Wound Care Business Development (2000 – 2008).

J. Peter McBride Founder and CEO continued Loma Linda University (www.alliedhealth.llu.edu) Faculty Professor and Developed Concept, Business Plan and Marketing for Electrophysiology School of Medicine. Intermountain Healthcare Consulting Founder & CEO (1996 – 2012). Cardiovascular Business Development Strategies. Distributor and Supply Chain Management sales in excess of $50 MM/Yr. Contracted management and clinical support services. Integrated Cardiovascular Solutions (ICVS) Founder & CEO (1984 – 1996). National, as well as, international staffing registry for nursing, perfusion and ultrasound with 150 FTE’s. Provide services to over 100 Healthcare facilities. Gross sales in excess of $40 Million and IPO in 1993.

J. Peter McBride Founder and CEO continued Cardiovascular Service Line Administrator: Loma Linda University Medical Center of Murrieta Riverside Community Hospital (HCA subsidiary) Veterans Medical Center La Jolla, CA Tommy Lasorda Heart Institute Los Angeles, CA Scripps Healthcare La Jolla, CA Consultant for multiple medical manufactures for product distribution and marketing. Developed Feasibility Assessment and Strategies for six (6) Physician owned Heart and Vascular Institutes.

Cardiovascular Resource Solution Inc. Background and Introductions Cardiovascular Resource Solutions (CRS), Inc., is a healthcare consulting, education, investment strategist and management firm working exclusively in cardiovascular services whose clients include ambulatory surgical centers, large and small healthcare organizations, cardiovascular physician groups, manufactures and other healthcare-related firms. CRS’s approach to consulting and management derives from the backgrounds of its consultants who collectively have over 100 years of healthcare experience. CRS's historical clinical foundation enables its staff to help prepare cardiovascular service providers to anticipate and take advantage of the challenges in todays healthcare environment of rapid technological advances.

Cardiovascular Resource Solution Inc Cardiovascular Resource Solution Inc. Background and Introductions continued CRS consultants have experience with many healthcare corporations throughout the U.S. and abroad, in markets ranging from rural to major metropolitan. Because our client base consists of large multihospital systems, independent/rural hospitals, as well as, physician practices CRS provides a broad range of services. CRS believes in the fundamental philosophy that the integration of the delivery of quality clinical care is a fundamental characteristic of each cardiovascular consulting project. We consider each consulting engagement to be unique, and we base our recommendations on an extensive evaluation of our clients’ circumstances

Cardiovascular Resource Solution Inc. Background and Introductions CRS over the last 25 years has conducted more than 350 strategic consulting engagements, assisted in the development of 100 medical facilities nationally, as well as, internationally, founded 3 public traded companies and provide investment strategies for 65 healthcare start-up companies. By conservative estimates, the CRS team has positively impacted the quality, accessibility and scope of cardiovascular care available to more than 25% of the population of the U.S. The map below illustrates the locations of past and current domestic cardiovascular consulting engagements.

Location Current or Former Domestic Customers

Background and Introductions continued In addition to domestic clients, CRS has been retained to provide cardiovascular consulting services internationally in: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada; City of Shanghai, People’s Republic of China; Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago; Republic of Cyprus; St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands; Dubai City, Dubai, United Arab Emirates; and the City of Culiacán, State of Sinaloa, United Mexican States.

CRS Former or Current International Clients

The Legacy of Improving and Advancing Healthcare “The sum total of medical knowledge is now so great and wide-spreading that it would be futile for any one man...to assume that he has even a working knowledge of any part of the whole.… The best interest of the patient is the only interest to be considered, and in order that the sick may have the benefit of advancing knowledge, union of forces is necessary.… It has become necessary to develop medicine as a cooperative science; the clinician, the specialist, and the laboratory workers uniting for the good of the patient, each assisting in elucidation of the problem at hand, and each dependent upon the other for support.” Dr William J. Mayo 1910