RTA Fatality – Third Party HSE LEARNING INCIDENT: A 3T twin-cab crew truck (Canter) belonging to Galfar was hit by a third party 25-seater light bus on the Salalah highway, when the canter was turning left toward Qarn Alam off the highway. CAUSES: A third party driver attempted to overtake from the left hand lane at the Junction. Tail gating; speeding, not wearing seat belts; overtaking over chevron strips LEARNINGS: Highlight the risk of speeding third party vehicles in PDO concession areas. Key Learning: Third party drivers are not subject to PDO road safety standards so treat with extreme caution. RTA Fatality – Third Party Use this Alert: Discuss in Tool Box Talks and HSE Meetings Distribute to contractors Post on HSE Notice Boards Include in site HSE Induction Contact: MSE511 for further information or visit the HSE Website Alert No 97 September 2012