Achievement Award Brycie edsd Achievement Award Brycie For taking some steps in her walker and kicking the ball. Well done Brycie! Date: 17th June 2016
Achievement Award Cameron edsd Achievement Award Cameron For having a very good week, fantastic listening and developing his independence. Well done Cameron! Date: 17th June 2016
For fantastic standing in her new standing frame. Well done Ty-Elisse! edsd Achievement Award Ty-Elisse For fantastic standing in her new standing frame. Well done Ty-Elisse! Date: 17th June 2016
Achievement Award Harvey edsd Achievement Award Harvey For recognising letters and their sounds and coming up with words beginning with that letter in phonics lessons. Well done Harvey! Date: 17th June 2016
Achievement Award Zephan edsd Achievement Award Zephan For excellent batting and fielding in the cricket festival. Well done Zephan! Date: 17th June 2016
Achievement Award Kenneth edsd Achievement Award Kenneth For excellent batting and fielding in the cricket festival. Well done Kenneth! Date: 17th June 2016
Achievement Award Niwa edsd Achievement Award Niwa For excellent batting and fielding in the cricket festival. Well done Niwa! Date: 17th June 2016
Achievement Award Dominic edsd Achievement Award Dominic For excellent batting and fielding in the cricket festival. Well done Dominic! Date: 17th June 2016
Achievement Award Callum edsd Achievement Award Callum For excellent batting and fielding in the cricket festival. Well done Callum! Date: 17th June 2016
Achievement Award Kubahang edsd Achievement Award Kubahang For excellent batting and fielding in the cricket festival. Well done Kubahang! Date: 17th June 2016
Achievement Award Matt edsd Achievement Award Matt For excellent batting and fielding in the cricket festival. Well done Matt! Date: 17th June 2016
Achievement Award William edsd Achievement Award William For being very thoughtful, responsible and sensible – a real gentleman! Well done William! Date: 17th June 2016
Communicator of the Week edsd Communicator of the Week Rosie For excellent communication in phonics signing and sounding ‘c’ cup, ‘s’ ‘t’ sit, ‘b’, bird, and using her PECs to communicate with her friends at snack time. Well done Rosie! Date: 17th June 2016