Third Annual Redesign Alliance Conference March 28-30, 2010 Disciplinary Roundtable: Humanities and Writing Intensive Elementary Spanish Redesign Concepción Godev [on behalf of the UNCC Elementary Spanish Redesign Committee: Jasoon An, Concepción Godev (chair), Ann Gonzalez, Heather McCullough, Ton Pujol, Garvey Pyke, Adriana Vega-Hidalgo, and Sandra Watts] University of North Carolina at Charlotte Elementary Spanish Redesign *
general information University of North Carolina at Charlotte Elementary Spanish (first semester and second) 60 sections per semester 30 students per section 3000 students per year (including summer) 3 contact hours in two days Redesign goals: lowering cost and improving academic instruction and performance. Project status: completed the first semester pilot study and the second semester pilot study is underway. Elementary Spanish Redesign *
initial planning Review of and consultation with existing redesigned programs (Spring 2008) Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) informs languages department about NCAT’s program “Colleagues Committed to Redesign Projects (Spring 2009) CTL, in consultation with languages department committee, drafts course redesign NCAT proposal (Spring-Summer 2009) Lesson plans, online activities selection and pre-pilot hybrid first-semester course (Spring-Summer 2009) Elementary Spanish Redesign *
initial planning Administrative support (5 colleagues): department chair, associate chair, Language Resource Center director, two colleagues from Center for Teaching and Learning. Faculty support (4 colleagues): elementary Spanish coordinator, specialist in second language acquisition (associate professor), two lecturers. Grant support ($18,190): Office of Distance Education-$3,000 (Spring 2008); Academic Program Improvement-$4,500 (Fall 2008); Scholarship of Teaching and Learning-$10,690 (Spring-Summer 2010). Research support (statistical analysis) (1 colleague): psychology professor. Elementary Spanish Redesign *
student reactions challenge: 59% of the redesigned course students wanted to take a redesigned second- semester Spanish. solution: changing expectations by changing study habits. challenge: 13% withdrawals solution: better training on making the most of the academic support services available. Elementary Spanish Redesign *
student reactions challenge: students need to make a more efficient use of the academic support available. solution: strategic scheduling of tutoring services. challenge: students need to improve the pace of their online work. solution: more individualized learning support from instructors and tutors. Elementary Spanish Redesign *
alternate staffing 16 hours of tutoring per week (online and face to face). 11 graduate tutors. 2 undergraduate tutors. graduate students are trained and supervised by elementary Spanish coordinator Elementary Spanish Redesign *
contact information and discussion Concepción Godev University of North Carolina at Charlotte 704 687 8783 Elementary Spanish Redesign *