TYPE YOUR TITLE HERE First Author1, Second Author2, Third Author3 PAPER N°: _ _ _ _ _ TYPE YOUR TITLE HERE First Author1, Second Author2, Third Author3 1 University of Pisa, Energy Systems Territory and Construction Department (DESTeC), Largo Lazzarino 2, 56122 Pisa, Italy 2 ……… 3 ……………… 12-14 June 2018 Joint 19 IHPC-13 IHPS, Pisa, Italy
TYPE YOUR HIGHLIGHTS OR SKETCH YOUR GRAPHICAL ABSTRACT IN THIS SLIDE Joint 19th IHPC and 13th IHPS, Pisa, Italy, June 10-14, 2018 PAPER N°: _ _ _ _ _ TYPE YOUR HIGHLIGHTS OR SKETCH YOUR GRAPHICAL ABSTRACT IN THIS SLIDE Be concise. Avoid long periods, bulleted lists are preferable. All labels and symbols in figures and plots should be readable. Please do not use animations, they will not be visible in the final pdf version. After the slides completion, please save them in pdf file format with the following file name: IHPC_Slides_Poster_ID-number 12-14 June 2018 Joint 19 IHPC-13 IHPS, Pisa, Italy