St. Columba’s Church Charting a New Course A Look at Our Financial Picture April 22, 2008
Membership Trends 1996 – 2007 Membership numbers per the Annual Parochial Report Attendance figures per parish records
Attendance Trends By Service 2003 - 2007
Net Income Trends 1996 – 2007, 2008 Budget ($ in 000s) Years with Special Ask Cumulative Deficit at End of 2007 was $126K
2008 Operating Budget As Approved by the Vestry on March 31, 2008 ($000s) Act 07 Bud 08 Inc/(Dec) %Variance Pledges $2,499 $2,280 ($219) (9%) Plate Revenue 133 135 2 2% Other Revenue 215 229 14 (13%) Total Revenue 2,847 2,644 (203) (7%) Salaries, Wages, Benefits 1,564 1,694 129 8% Facilities and Utilities 640 417 (223) (35%) General & Administrative 154 142 (12) (8%) Diocesan Commitment 190 176 (14) (7%) Outreach Commitment 180 101 (79) (44%) Program Commitment 201 114 (87) (44%) Total Expenses 2,930 2,644 (286) (10%) Income from Operations ($83) $0 $83
Giving Trends As of April 14: 2004 - 2008 ($ in 000s)
Giving Overview Number of Pledges by Giving Range 2006 - 2008 Total Number of Pledges 2006 (year end) 901 2007 (year end) 868 2008 (as of April 14) 768
Giving Overview Total $ Pledged by Giving Range 2006 - 2008 Total $ Value of Pledges 2006 (year end) $ 2,219,007 2007 (year end) $ 2,499,237 2008 (as of April 14) $ 2,095,117
Operating Expense Trends For the Periods Indicated ($ in 000s) 7.5% Average Annual Expense Growth 2002-2007
Operating Expense Trend Details For the Periods Indicated ($ in 000s)
Personnel Costs How Many People Work Here? Type Full Time Part Time Total Clergy 4 1 5 Program 6 10 Admin & Operations 8 13 18 28 * * Represents approximately 23 FTEs
Outreach 2008 Source of Funds ($ in 000s) Mission & Ministry STEP Total Operations $54 $47 $101 Grants 35 143 178 Other 69 43 112 $158 $233 $391
Outreach 2008 Uses of Funds Mission & Ministry $158K STEP Operations $233K STEP Scholarships $300K Total $691K Note: These figures do not include salary expenses for clergy & staff who support outreach
Outreach Expenses in the Operating Budget For the Periods Indicated ($ in 000s)
Outreach Percentages For the Periods Indicated ($ in 000s)
Columba Fund Activity since its inception in 2000: # $ # $ Inreach Grants 19 $387K Outreach Grants 23 367K Total 43 $754K Amount remaining as of March 31, 2008 = $206K (includes grant commitments made by the Vestry but not yet disbursed)
Cash Flow Considerations Net Income by Month
Cash Flow Considerations Cash flow is controlled through deferral of paying certain expenditures until December (notably the Diocesan commitment and the funding of outreach) To meet cash requirements in late summer and early fall, for many years the Vestry has authorized a resolution to borrow from the Memorial Fund with the stipulation that those funds be repaid by the end of the year. The corpus of the Memorial Fund, by restriction, can be borrowed against “when it is necessary to cover emergency operating fund shortages.”
Questions Questions, comments, concerns? Please contact: Janet Vincent Rector Andrew Hullinger Treasurer Jim Sivon Sr. Warden Kathleen Stanley Jr. Warden Paul Barkett COO