People and Ideas on the Move Chapter 3 People and Ideas on the Move
The Indo Europeans Nomadic people from steppes (dry grasslands) of Russia Indo European language (chart p. 61) – ancestors of many modern languages Migrated to India Hittites used chariots, iron
Aryans Settled in Indus Valley Unlike previous Indus dwellers, Aryans were lighter, had no writing, were pastoral, not city dwellers Caste (class) system develops 4 groups (priests, rulers & warriors, peasants & traders, laborers) Determined how they lived, who they married, etc. Outcasts or “untouchables” – butchers, gravediggers, trash collectors, etc.
Hinduism Evolves Collection of beliefs; no specific founder or single set of ideas; many gods Brahman – world soul Moksha – perfect understanding Reincarnation – rebirth until understanding is achieved Karma – good or bad deeds Vedas – collection of stories
Buddhism Siddhartha Gautama – noble family Age 29 – saw suffering outside palace – source of suffering was desire for material things Sought enlightenment (wisdom) Wandered 6 years to achieve understanding – became known as Buddha (the enlightened one) 4 Noble Truths (p.69) Eightfold Path (p. 69) Could reach Nirvana – release from selfishness and pain
Buddhism cont. Rejected caste system Followers included laborers and craftspeople Trade allowed teachings to spread throughout India & all over Southeast Asia, Korea, Japan, China
Seafaring Traders Minoans – Aegean Sea (lived on Crete) Traded over wide area Knossos discovered late 19th C Revealed Minoans as artistic, athletic, women had high rank, religious, peaceful Mysterious ending – probably earthquake & tidal wave
Seafaring Traders - Phoenicians Most powerful traders Modern day Lebanon in Middle East Remarkable shipbuilders & seafarers Outposts all over Mediterranean Carthage – greatest colony (N. Africa) Famous for purple dye – from snail! Alphabet – great legacy – symbols represented sounds Phonetic – one sign for one sound (p.74)
Judaism From Palestine in eastern Med. (Canaan) History contained in first 5 books of Bible (Torah) – Old Testament God chose Abraham as father of Hebrews Monotheistic – one god Covenant – promise between god/Hebrews Enslaved in Egypt – Moses led Hebrews out Sinai – received Ten Commandments (p. 79) Wandered 40 years – settled in Palestine
Judaism cont. Goal is to live a moral life according to God Ethical monotheism – influenced behavior for thousands of years through Judaism, Christianity, Islam Later called Jews (Judah – one of 12 tribes); “chosen people” New kingdom – Israel