IHS Health Information Technology Update CAPT Mark Rives, DSc, CHCIO, Chief Information Officer Indian Health Service July 2018
Health IT Modernization Working with HHS Chief Technology Officer and the Office of the National Coordinator Plan to use HIMSS Analytics as metric for determining current status Will conduct analysis of 4-6 RPMS sites Creates a quantifiable “This is where we are now” baseline. VA – DoD status updates from CERNER Tremendous focus on interoperability Tracking accomplishments Challenges with the adoption and implementation DoD – Currently on planned pause; 18 deployment waves to follow. VA – Plan to start in 2020; conclude by 2028 Continued engagement with other tribal groups CIO presented at Tribal Health NextGen Consortium Meeting
ISAC Workgroup Update and New Charter Current Work: Revision process started in 2016. Larger group did initial work; smaller workgroup completed remainder. Went through three rounds of comments and revision. Sent for vote and passed. Presented to agency senior staff to enter into IHS internal review process. However, IHS leadership has presented a request to have ISAC to revise to fewer voting members while keeping broad input. Meetings & Calls Last meeting: Phoenix Area Office– March 14-15, 2018 Next meeting: Alaska or Portland/Seattle – Sept 2018
Funding for OIT Working with IHS leadership to formulate presentations to HHS for separate line item in the FY2020 budget. Working with IHS Leadership to fund health IT program. Incorporating feedback and comments from TSGAC, DSTAC, and ISAC.
RPMS 2015 CEHRT - Status Prioritization of other high impact projects has affected 2015 certification schedule. Projects that impact billing and patient safety have been our focus New Medicare card EPCS No dedicated funding for this project MU1 funded by ARRA MU2 funded by MU1 reimbursement Payment Adjustments are small compared to funding required MU1 $15M MU2 $25M We will have some of modular elements completed on time. CQM Some modular components may be better bought rather than built.
Questions? Mark.Rives@ihs.gov