Chris Warner 5th February 2018 Key Messages from 0630R – Review of the consequential changes required in UNC as a result of the Ofgem Switching Programme Chris Warner 5th February 2018
Key Messages 0630R considered the differences between the level 1, level 2 and level 3 changes: Level 1 – core changes - delivery of CSS Level 2 – consequential changes - change “prescribed” by the CSS Level 3 – sustaining changes - change “initiated” by the CSS – focus of 0630R The 15 topic areas of the Business Requirements Document (BRD) were reviewed and all changes assessed as Level 1, 2 or 3. The document is available here: Level 3 topics are being considered within 0630R The next meeting is scheduled for 21st February where Topic Area 3.5 Change of Shipper required information will be discussed and developed. This topic will consider Shipper requirements regarding how the Supply Point on UK Link can be established with the required settlement data in line with a switch event on the Central Switching System. 25/02/2019