What is complexity?
What is a complex problem? Incomplete or contradictory knowledge; The number of people and opinions involved; The large economic burden; and The interconnected nature of these problems with other problems.
What is a complex system?
Cynefin framework Coordination Collaboration Cooperation Education and Training Coordination Collaboration Cooperation Rules for intervention. Technical expertise valued. Flexible interventions around emergent properties. Technical expertise insufficient. Standard operating procedures Complex probe – sense – respond Emergent Practice Complicated sense – analyse – respond Good Practice Disorder Chaotic act – sense – respond Novel Practice Simple sense – categorise – respond Best Practice http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7oz366X0-8 Cynefin Framework by Snowden & Kurtx
Use expertise, experiment and Stacey Create stability, look for opportunities to innovate. Learn-by-doing, see what emerges, adapt. Wicked Problems & Social Messes Develop common ground, compromise or compete. Follow the ‘best practice’ recipe. Use expertise, experiment and build knowledge.