Possessive Nouns
What are Possessive Nouns? Words that show ownership A noun is possessive if a phrase can be changed to say that an item or idea belongs to someone else. Example: The paintbrush that belonged to the artist was lost. The artist’s paintbrush was lost.
Possessive Nouns Rules 1-2 To show possession of singular nouns, add 's. Example: Student’s The student’s work was left on the desk. To show possession of plural nouns, ending in s add an apostrophe ('). Example: Students’ All the students’ work was displayed in the hall.
Possessive Nouns Rule 3 To show possession of plural nouns NOT ending in s, add an apostrophe and a s (‘s). Example: Children’s The Children’s food is ready to be served.
How would you make these words Possessive? Raj The soft kitty Mrs. Wills Kate Middleton Teachers Runners The film club group Friends An organist The Duchess School