1 Defence Engineering Group - University College London - 6/6/2014 UCLs Support to System Engineering by Professor David Kirkpatrick Defence Engineering Group
2 Defence Engineering Group - University College London - 6/6/2014 Modern Times The increasing scale and complexity of projects The acceleration of technological advance
3 Defence Engineering Group - University College London - 6/6/2014 Multidisciplinary Education Larger and more-complex projects demand that Systems Engineers and Project Managers should understand ALL the engineering, analytical and management issues which can affect their projects. Universities and other academic institutions can draw on the resources of many specialist departments to create courses providing multidisciplinary education.
4 Defence Engineering Group - University College London - 6/6/2014 Life Long Learning Systems Engineers (and all other professionals) can no longer rely on their initial training to sustain their careers. Knowledge must be frequently extended and updated. Universities (etc.) can organise and provide a variety of training and educational courses to match the needs of Systems Engineers in government and industry at different phases of their careers.
5 Defence Engineering Group - University College London - 6/6/2014 Defence Engineering Group The Defence Engineering Group (DEG) at University College London (UCL) was founded following a MoD competition in 1991 to: form a national centre of excellence in defence equipment acquisition provide education in defence systems engineering to post- graduate students with appropriate qualifications and experience. The DEG course (partly taught at KCL) covers technical, analytical, financial, management and military issues.
6 Defence Engineering Group - University College London - 6/6/2014 The Present DEG Courses The DEG now provides three parallel MSc courses Defence Systems Engineering Defence Systems Acquisition System Test & Evaluation Each course has 2 common teaching modules, 1 specialist module and specialist group and individual projects The DEG also provides a variety of short courses (from a few days to four weeks) to customers in government and industry.
7 Defence Engineering Group - University College London - 6/6/2014 Other UCL Courses UCLse is a consortium of different university departments with capabilities in systems engineering. UCLse provides a MSc course, tailored to suit systems engineers in the civil sector. UCLse has teamed with Marconi to provide company employees with a part-time educational programme tailored to their needs and responsibilities. This MSc course is taught jointly by UCL and Marconi staff, and accredited by UCL.
8 Defence Engineering Group - University College London - 6/6/2014 Conclusions UCL (etc.) can provide a variety of educational and training courses to meet the needs of systems engineers for MULTIDISCIPLINARY EDUCATION LIFE LONG LEARNING