Learning Objectives To understand what copyright is, and how it affects us To understand how to search for copyright free information To understand how to create layout guides in publisher
Copyright What is copyright? What kinds of things might be copyrighted? What is piracy?
What is copyright? Copyright gives the makers of things the rights to control how they're used and distributed. Music, books, video, software and pictures can all be covered by copyright law. Why is it important? It is important to recognise copyright in order to prevent other people from trying to copy the original idea. Authors of art, music, video and literature may sell and get paid for their hard work without having it pirated or used by others.
Task 1: how to find non copyrighted images Just because you search for an image on Google, it does not mean it is not protected by copyright!
Now try for yourself! Search for a “Pirate” with normal search Now search using the advanced image search Do different results come up? Level 3: I can find information using the internet Level 4: I can select relevant information for the purpose Level 5: I can search for reliable and suitable information for the purpose
Creating your newspaper Which would you rather read?
Newspaper layout Newspapers and magazines tend to use between 3 and 5 columns depending on the size of the page and article
Open Publisher Create a blank A4 Page Go to the Page Design menu Click on guides At the bottom click Grid and Baseline Guides
On the Grid Guides tap select how many columns you want your page to have Click ok
You can now set your page out using text boxes Remember to leave a space at the top for a heading
Your 2 sided page is ready to go! Double sided page Click on the insert tab Create another page Your 2 sided page is ready to go!