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Presentation transcript:

https://www. youtube. com/watch V-72S0

Choose a tone to explore.

Tone Frayer Model Choose a tone word. Put the word’s chain as the title. Create a Frayer Model with Definition. Picture. At least 3 times when that tone might be used. At least 3 times when that tone would NOT be used. *Same side of paper.

Identify the tone of a book, movie, or song Identify the tone of a book, movie, or song. Explain how the book/movie/song portrays this tone, using at least two pieces of evidence. T -- The book/song/movie _______ has a _____ tone. S -- One piece of evidence that shows the ______ tone is “__________________________________________________________.” C -- This quote shows the tone because ____________________________. S -- Another piece of evidence that shows the ______ tone is “__________________________________________________________.” C -- This quote shows the tone because ________________________.