Cambridge International Primary Programme


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Presentation transcript:

Cambridge International Primary Programme

About CIE University of Cambridge International Examinations (CIE) is the world’s largest provider of international qualifications. We are part of the University of Cambridge and a not-for profit organisation. Our mission is to work in partnership with education providers worldwide to deliver high-quality assessment services through harnessing innovation, potential, and lasting partnerships.

About CIE In some countries CIE has worked with governments to reform education systems and helped to localise examinations by training official, teachers, markers and examiners in curriculum development and assessment. Teachers who are well supported are able to offer the best education possible. CIE offers an extensive programme of training events and services, providing professional development and support including online training, face to face training, e-learning and training via video-conferencing,

What is the Primary Programme? The Cambridge International Primary Programme is a comprehensive provision for teaching, learning and assessment in the core subjects of English, Mathematics and Science, for children aged approximately 5 to 11.

Philosophy of CIPP Reflecting a global perspective Students learn in different ways at different rates The primary school curriculum should be broad and balanced. The different subjects can be linked to support or reinforce students understanding Personal, social, health and environmental education is important. A positive attitude to lifelong learning should be fostered Reflection and analysis are important for quality teaching and assessment Formative assessment can be used to inform teaching and planning External benchmarks of student performance can be useful for reporting and planning Assessments should be culturally sensitive and unbiased and they should reflect a wide range of skills and knowledge across subjects.

Aims of the Primary Programme To develop a range of knowledge and skills that will provide a solid foundation upon which the later stages of education can build To provide a progressive framework of learning outcomes that are appropriate for students in the primary phase To provide a structure that emphasises the development of skills as well as knowledge To provide a flexible system of assessment that enables schools to obtain the feedback they need to inform teaching To reflect current understanding of teaching and learning, including activities which reflect the different styles in which students learn To provide a positive educational experience for all students

The Primary Curriculum Progressive learning Achievable goals Flexible, responsive teaching

Cambridge International Primary Programme Where does it fit? Cambridge International Primary Programme Supporting Services Recognition and equivalence evidence Training and professional development Cambridge Lower Secondary Programme/ Checkpoint Inspections and centre development Teaching and learning resources Cambridge IGCSE/ Cambridge O Level Teaching and learning resources Inspections and centre development Training and professional development Recognition and equivalence evidence Cambridge International AS and A Level/ Cambridge Pre-U

Fitting the Primary Programme around your own curriculum. Teachers may continue to follow a local curriculum, to meet the statutory requirements of their national system, whilst using the progression Tests and the Analysis Tool to enhance their teaching and reporting. Similarly, the Primary Programme can be used for teaching and tracking the core skills in English, Mathematics and Science while another curriculum is used for any other subjects that may be taught

Learning in the Cambridge International Primary Programme

Student-centred Learning Learning by doing. Why it is important. I listen - I forget I see - I believe I do - I understand Just introduce teachers to this gently??

Teaching organisation Whole class Teacher-led Group work or Individual work student-centred Teaching approaches Exercises or work sheets Visits Games and imaginative play Practical work Differentiation Possible uses of ICT in teaching: Presentations, make video clips, Internet, Whiteboards. Integrating ICT in Maths and Science. Be sensitive to ICT capacity in various schools and teacher strategies.

Cambridge International Primary Programme Primary Curriculum Framework

Learning objectives Students should know… Students should be able to…

Objectives are set in the following areas English Usage Phonics, spelling and vocabulary Grammar and punctuation Reading Writing Speaking and listening Learning objectives are set in these areas.

Maths Number Numbers and the number system Calculations Mental Skills Problem solving Organising and using data Shape, space and measures Patterns and Properties of Shape Properties of Position and Movement Measures

Science Stage 3 - 6 Scientific enquiry Plan experimental work Obtain and present evidence Consider evidence and evaluate Biology Life processes Humans Plants Chemistry Materials Physics Forces and motion

Schemes of Work These two slides illustrate what schemes of work look like. Get delegates to perform the activity and then tell them about the SOWs available from CIE if they want to use them. S

CIE offers schemes of work for the whole of the Primary Programme as teacher support but it is not necessary to follow these. Teachers are free to make your own.

Cambridge International Primary Programme Assessment in the Primary Programme

Assessment materials in the Cambridge Primary Programme Teacher observation (stages 1-2)) Classroom Activities (stages 3 – 6) Cambridge International Primary Progression Tests (stage 3 - 5) Cambridge International Primary Achievement Tests (stage 6) Give definitions and where they come from

Classroom Activities Flexible activities English, mathematics and science Stages 3-6

What are the Classroom Activities? Teacher notes Student sheets Record sheets

Activity How can the Classroom Activity tasks help you to check the progress of your students? What is the ratio of Knowledge and Skill that the activity sheets require? Which one has priority and why? How much memorisation is required to finish the tasks? How much is involved in your current system?

How would I use the Classroom Activities? Cross-referenced to Curriculum Framework and Schemes of Work Focus on difficult concepts Flexible use Various purposes Diagnostic Teaching guidance Summative

Cambridge International Primary Progression Tests Stages 3-5: English and mathematics Stages 6: English, Mathematics and Science

Assessment Structure Subject Stages 3-4 mins Stages 5-6 English Paper 1: non-narrative reading; writing; usage Paper 2: narrative reading; narrative writing 65 60 Maths Paper 1: full coverage Paper 2: full coverage Paper 3: mental mathematics 35 35 ~15 Paper 1: non-calculator Paper 2: calculator Paper 3: mental mathematics 45 45 ~15 Science N/A from Stage 6 Paper 1: full coverage Paper 2: full coverage 45 45

Cambridge International Primary Progression Tests Planning Identify strengths & weaknesses tailor lesson plans reflect on teaching revision Monitoring Reporting Compare performance with international cohort Monitor changes and improvements from year to year Identify individual progress and performance set targets each child achieves their own potential

Cambridge International Primary Progression Tests Allow teachers to Assess knowledge and skills Identify strengths and weaknesses Tailor planning Reflect on teaching Report to parents

Cambridge International Primary Progression Tests Allow schools to Track progress Monitor changes and improvements from year to year Measure performance against an international benchmark

Cambridge International Primary Progression Tests Allow parents and children to Identify strengths and weaknesses Monitor progress Set targets for improvement Each child achieves their own potential

Key Benefits of the Progression tests Provide an independent measure of student progress Monitor progress and allow target setting Can be used when and how the school chooses Highlight strengths and weaknesses to inform future teaching and learning

Analysing results from the Progression Tests Primary Programme website

Analysis software Report on: Performance Strengths and weaknesses Progress

Analysis software Report by: Individual / class / school Subject Gender

Cambridge International Primary Achievement Tests Intended for students in their final year at around 11 years old Available to sit in two sessions, June and November, each year Students must be entered for the tests following the procedures published in the Administrative Guide Papers are downloaded from the CIE website The questions are marked in schools by the teachers and a sample is sent to CIE for moderation.

Cambridge International Primary Achievement Tests Available in English, mathematics and science English: Paper 1: Non-narrative reading, writing, usage Paper 2: Narrative reading, writing Mathematics: Paper 1: non-calculator Paper 2: calculator Paper 3: mental mathematics Science: Paper 1 & 2: biology, physics, chemistry and scientific enquiry

Key Benefits of the Achievement tests Summative measure of performance in the primary phase International benchmark: Teachers can convert the raw marks from the Progression Tests into levels that can then be used to compare between groups and between years. The cut off points for each level were determined in a standardisation trial that used an international cohort of students from sixteen different countries. Certificate of Achievement for all students Feedback to Parents

Assessment for Learning Teaching and learning Evidence of learning Marking and feedback Planning Target setting

Cambridge International Primary Programme Website tour Primary website Access to the website is given once a Centre has registered for the Primary programme. Any queries about access should be directed to

Teacher support website Face-to-face training Schemes of work Classroom activities Teacher support website Schools will receive a comprehensive guide to planning and implementing the Cambridge Primary Programme that includes guidance on interpreting the framework and conducting the assessments. The booklet also describes methods of lesson planning and good teaching practice. A year’s subscription to an online training course is included in the joining fee. This subscription allows an unlimited number of teachers within the school to follow the course over the first year. The course will extend the material covered in the planning booklet, covering essential teaching skills and using practical activities to support learning. Each teacher can follow the course at their own pace and use all or just some of the modules. Further training will be arranged in the future to suit the needs of the Programme member schools. On joining the Programme, schools will also receive a set of classroom resources for each of English, Mathematics and Science. These books contain activities that are designed for use within the classroom. The activities can be used to develop group-working skills as well as specific aspects covered in the curriculum framework, such as speaking and listening and scientific enquiry. The activities also allow teachers to assess the level at which their students are working and to be able to provide direct feedback and improve learning. Each activity has full instructions and photocopiable master sheets for student and teacher use. Full schemes of work will be available which provide an outline for teaching, including a recommended teaching order, suggested activities and suggested resources. Schools that have registered for the Cambridge International Primary Programme will have free and unlimited access to the Primary Teacher Support website. This website contains administration and support resources, as well as news and information on primary events and training. Note: The website also provides a portal to access the analysis software for the Progression Tests. Online training Planning guidance

Cambridge International Primary Programme