Poultry Poultry is a high quality protein Fat content varies Older birds are usually higher in fat All dark meat is high in fat All is federally inspected for wholesomeness By USDA Chickens & turkeys have light & dark meat Ducks & geese have all dark meat They are more tender but have more fat
Grading Based on quality Indicated by a shield stamp & letter grade Grades are based on: Shape of carcass Amount of flesh Amount of fat Pinfeathers (present or absent) Skin tears, cuts, broken bones Blemishes & bruises Grade A Sold at retail level Full-fleshed & meaty Fat evenly distributed Few blemishes & pinfeathers Grade B Usually sold to processing plants Mot as meaty Less attractive Class listed on package tells how tender bird is
Classifications Kind Species (chicken, duck, turkey) Class Depends on age & sex Style Live Rare in foodservice Dressed Killed, bled & plucked Ready to cook Can be whole, cut up State of refrigeration Chilled frozen
Types State of refrigeration Processed forms Chilled Frozen Canned Chopped, Pressed Luncheon meats
Storing Poultry is very perishable Needs to be stored in refrigerator or freezer Wrap tightly in plastic wrap or package Thaw in refrigerator
Cooking Broiling Broil 4-5 inches from heat Chicken takes about 40 minutes Turkey 80-90 minutes Needs to be brushed with butter or some type of melted fat
Cooking Roasting Place in shallow pan, breast side up Roast at 325 until meat thermometer reads 180
Cooking Frying Need ½ inch fat Can be battered or dipped in flour, bread crumbs, milk, eggs Can take up to 30-45 minutes
Cooking Oven-frying/Baking Coat with seasoned flour and bake in moderate oven on baking sheet Can be brushed with margarine to give crisp crust
Cooking Braising Brown pieces in a small amount of fat Add liquid and simmer for about 45 minutes to 1 hour
Cooking Stewing Place in large pot or kettle Completely cover with water Can be seasoned with carrots, celery, seasonings Cover and simmer until tender
Cooking Sautéing Boneless is best Cook in small amount of fat Cook until white, slightly brown