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Doxology Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.—Amen.
Memory Verse John 15:13, “Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends.”
John 15:2 Divine Good Production
Adversity is designed by God to intensify the blessing and happiness of the mature believer, while at the same time narrowing his focus to produce divine good.
In Underserved Suffering, certain types of adversity are tailor made to the personality, strengths and weaknesses of the believer’s sin nature, background and everything he is.
It forces the believer to make decisions related to priority.
Although there are a lot of good things in life that you like to do, you do not do them any more because they distract from doctrine and fruit production.
You realize that all of your spiritual nutrition comes from Christ, and you must “abide” in Him in order to receive that nutrition and produce fruit.
It is possible for the carnal Christian to produce “works”, but only the spiritual Christian can bear lasting fruit.
Phil 1:29, “For to you it has been granted for Christ's sake, not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for His sake.”
God’s pruning only makes the branch stronger and more productive, while at the same time producing inner peace and happiness.
Verse 2, “So that it may bear more fruit.”
HINA, “in order that.” speaking of the will of God, His Divine intention, the Purpose-Result of Pruning.
KARPON, “fruit”. Used as an analogy for divine good production, Gal 5:22, “the Fruit of the Spirit.”
PLEIONA, “more”. A comparative adjective both of number and size = quantity and quality.
Rev 2:19, “I know your deeds, and your love and faith and service and perseverance, and that your deeds of late are greater than at first.”
PHERE, Present, Active, Subjunctive, Third Person, Singular - “to bear, carry, or bring forth.”
Futuristic Present Once the branch has been pruned, and not until then, will it produce more fruit in quantity and quality.
The Subjunctive Mood is for potential or probability of occurrence The Subjunctive Mood is for potential or probability of occurrence. God’s intended result of pruning the mature believer is to bear more fruit.
But it is not a slam dunk or automatic reality But it is not a slam dunk or automatic reality. Its potentially based on whether the spiritual adult continues to be positive towards the Word and Plan of God, or not.
Principles: 1) It doesn’t matter what stage of spiritual growth you are in; you must continue to have + volition if you are going to continue to advance in the Plan of God.
2) …if you have negative volition toward the Will and Plan of God, you will not advance further.
3) The potential always exists; will you learn from MT and continue to advance, or will you fail MT and not advance in the spiritual life.
4) Achieving SSE does not guarantee passing PPS.
4) Achieving SSE does not guarantee passing PPS 4) Achieving SSE does not guarantee passing PPS. 5) Achieving SA does not guarantee passing MT.
4) Achieving SSE does not guarantee passing PPS 4) Achieving SSE does not guarantee passing PPS. 5) Achieving SA does not guarantee passing MT. 6) Achieving SM does not guarantee passing ET.
7) Since our souls are the battle ground for the Appeal Trial of the Angelic Conflict, and we have free will volition, there is always the potential for failure as well as potential for success.
8) The desired intention of the Vinedresser and Vine, is that you produce “more fruit” and then “much fruit.”
Grace Fellowship Church Tuesday, March 9, 2010 Tape # 10-028 Divine Good Production, Part 1 Upper Room Discourse, Part 346 John 15:2-8; Gal 5:22; Rev 2:19 James H. Rickard Bible Ministries 2010