少数体ケイオン核の課題 August 7, 2008 Y. Akaishi T. Yamazaki, M. Obu, M. Wada.


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Presentation transcript:

少数体ケイオン核の課題 August 7, 2008 Y. Akaishi T. Yamazaki, M. Obu, M. Wada

Super strong nuclear force http://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/pjab Super strong nuclear force Revival of Heitler-London-Heisenberg picture K-pp as decaying state

KbarN scattering amplitude T. Hyodo and W. Weise, Phys. Rev. C 77 (2008) 035204 Effective KbarN interaction based on chiral SU(3) dynamics Akaishi-Yamazaki Chiral Im 1420

Chiral unitary model L = 630 MeV/c Weinberg- Tomozawa Virtually Unitarized L = 630 MeV/c Virtually Resonance / bound states

Step form factor and resonance width VWT  M. Obu L = 630 MeV/c iL Potential Slow damping Rapid oscillation kR+ikI Resonance High excitation Narrow width

Wave function of L(1405) Effective local K-p potential rms r KE PE r [fm] SC863-1426-32 1.75 134 -140-i16 SC863-1420-40 1.44 161 -173-i20 G0.66 -1405-40 1.34 115 -143-i20 rms r KE PE [fm] [MeV] [MeV] Effective local K-p potential [MeV] Imaginary Real

Dimensional regularization Feynman's identity Analytic continuation Wick rotation Laurent expansion Regularization

Two-step cutoff potential model Step function m =140 MeV/c, M =1189 MeV/c Loop integral Non-relativistic reduction of G4Dim -0.6 for M=1189 MeV/c -1.0 for M= 800 MeV/c with m = 630 MeV/c & a(m)=-1.96

Trajectory of pS poles as a function of s22 K + N _ s22 E=0 Im E Re E -1.6 -2.0 -1.0 s22= -0.6 -200 MeV -0.4 -100 MeV "Shape" resonance L(1405) Bound state Anti-resonance / virtual state [ + ] sheet pS physical Feshbach -1.3 -1.2 -0.8 x Poles which characterize the potential shape Re k Im k m m =270 MeV/c2 [ - ] sheet pS unphysical

p+ p + S p+ p+ p L* L* p S TSp,Sp S TSp,NK S+(1660) K- + p S+(1660) R.J. Hemingway, Nucl. Phys. B253 (1985) 742 Interference MSp [MeV/c2]

S-p invariant-mass distributions R.J. Hemingway From K-4He atom B. Riley et al. Pseudo-invariant mass T. Yamazaki & Y. Akaishi, Phys. Lett. B 453 (1999) 1

P. Kienle, Y. Akaishi & T. Yamazaki, Phys. Lett. B 632 (2006) 187 S-p invariant mass / D-momentum distributions P. Kienle, Y. Akaishi & T. Yamazaki, Phys. Lett. B 632 (2006) 187 1420 MeV/c2 1405 MeV/c2 with G = 40 MeV Quasi-free D-momentum [MeV/c]

S-p partial invariant-mass spectra Y770-1420-40 Y770-1405-40 S-p partial invariant-mass spectra from stopped K- on 4He, 3He and D S-wave abs. 1420 MeV/c2 1405 MeV/c2 with G = 40 MeV MSp [MeV/c2]

Acknowledgements: O. Morimatsu, K. Yazaki Thank you very much!