High Energy Astrophysics: problems and expectations By Catherine Cesarsky
Supernovae: Rates with Ti44 lines (T1/2 = 60 years) Nuclear lines from 56 Co decay Cosmic ray acceleration: electrons or nuclei? Effect of cosmic rays on SN evolution
Gamma ray bursts: Polarization, physics of jet formation Formation of stars and elements in the early universe (gamma ray bursts, X ray lines, optical and infrared observations)
Galactic Center: Gamma rays from Sag A? Central regions: diffuse emission (hot gas or fast electrons) or superposition of sources? Positronium and galactic fountain
X Ray background: Sources of high energy part of x ray background (highly obscured active nuclei?)
Accretion and black holes: Cooling flows in center of galaxy clusters? Intermediate mass black holes= ultraluminous X ray sources? (or are they micro blazars?) Black holes rotation, temporal studies and QPOs.
Dark matter and missing baryonic matter: Intermediate mass black holes, remnants of Pop.3 Warm intergalactic gas Dark matter distribution in clusters of galaxies, and large scale structure at high z, using clusters (X rays, SZ effect, weak lensing) =>Constraints on Ω, Λ , quintessence, complementary to CMB and supernovae