APARTHEID Apartheid = “separateness” A policy or system of segregation or discrimination based on race with laws to enforce the segregation (separation) of the races in South Africa early 1900s - 1994 It was created because: whites wanted to maintain their power they had enjoyed since colonial times; racism; thought blacks were inferior
Apartheid Homelands
Sign on Durban beach in English, Afrikaans and Zulu (1989)
Forbid the “colored” population to A non white could not vote Could not use the same facilities as whites Could not travel without permission Could not own land (must live on a “homeland”)
Non-whites protesting unequal rights
People of color had to have a pass to leave the “homelands”
Separate and Unequal
NELSON MANDELA “Let there be work, bread, water and salt for all.”
NELSON MANDELA member of the ANC African National Congress (ANC)- a political party calling for equal rights for non-white Africans (still exists today; is the ruling party of South Africa As an anti-apartheid activist he was imprisoned for 27 years
The Downfall of Apartheid On November 6,1962, the United Nations General Assembly passed the Resolution 1761, condemning South African apartheid policies. 1963 the United Nations Security Council established a voluntary arms embargo against South Africa. By November 4, 1977 South Africa became increasingly isolated internationally.
International Opposition The international opposition to apartheid grew and the ANC received both financial and moral support. The prime minister of Sweden Olofpalme declared this statement: “ Apartheid cannot be reformed, it has to be eliminated.”
The Final End of Apartheid By 1980, South Africa was the only country in Africa with a white government and a constitution discriminating against the majority of its citizens. During this time the most violence occurred between the ANC and the PAC organizations and the national government. The government finally began to admit the need for change. International pressures also increased as economic sanctions began to take a toll on the government as well. In 1986, President Botha announced to parliament that South Africa had “out grown” apartheid. In 1989 President Botha had a stroke and was succeeded by FW de Klerk. He repealed discriminatory laws and lifted bans on the ANC, PAC, and other organizations. Media restrictions were also lifted and he released political prisoners.
Nelson Mandela is released from prison after 27 years. 1990 Nelson Mandela is released from prison after 27 years.
F.W. deKlerk president of South Africa from 1989-1994 released Nelson Mandela from prison ended the laws of apartheid, allowing ALL South Africans to have equal rights
The Final End of Apartheid In December 1991, the Convention for a Democratic South Africa began negotiations on the formation of a multiracial government and a new constitution extending political rights to all groups. In 1993, a draft constitution was published guaranteeing freedom of speech and religion, adequate housing and numerous other benefits. On April 26-27,1994 the old flag was lowered and the old national anthem was sung, followed by the raising on the new flag. Since then April27 is a celebrated as a public holiday in South Africa known as Freedom Day .
Mandela & de Klerk win the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993 for their role in the ending of apartheid
In 1994 Nelson Mandela became the first black president of South Africa. Non-white South Africans now have equal rights to whites.
Independence in South Africa What is Apartheid? Give 4 examples of how people were treated under Apartheid. What role did F.W. de Klerk play in the end of Apartheid? What role did Nelson Mandela play in the end of Apartheid?