Mandate, governance and name of the Committee Fourth Meeting of the UN Committee of Experts on Environmental-Economic Accounting New York, 24-26 June 2009 United Nations Statistics Division
Statistical Commission decision (c) Requested the Committee to review its mandate, terms of reference and governance structure; (d) Considered the establishment of an advisory group on EEA and env. stat. not necessary at this stage, but recommended that technical panels be convened when necessary on an ad hoc basis; (e) Requested the Committee to submit the revised mandate, governance and terms of reference to the Bureau of the Committee for review and to the Commission for further consideration; (f) Also requested the Committee to develop a programme of work outlining its priorities and to disseminate it widely.
Mandate (from SC report) Provide strategic vision, direction and coordination to mainstream environmental-economic accounting and env. stat. in national, regional and international statistical systems; Develop normative statistical standards Promote the development of integrated databases Promote the implementation of standards in countries Promote the use of official statistics in scientific and policymaking communities