Incomplete Dominace Using punnett squares
How to work incomplete dominance problems. purebred red X purebred white carnations
How to work incomplete dominance problems. Step 1: possible pheotypes and genotypes Pheno Geno use two different letters to represent genes use lower case letters red white pink rr ww rw purebred red X purebred white carnations
How to work incomplete dominance problems. Step 2: parent genotypes w w purebred red X purebred white carnations
How to work incomplete dominance problems. Step 3: fill in possible genotypes of offspring w w r w r w w r w r purebred red X purebred white carnations
How to work incomplete dominance problems. Step 4: Genotipic ratio Phenotipic ratio w w r w r w w r w r red:white:pink rr:ww:rw 0:0:4 purebred red X purebred white carnations