“Working together to support the child” 19th October 2011 Parent Forum “Working together to support the child” 19th October 2011
Agenda Items 19.10.11 Matters arising 24.05.11 – clubs; survey feedback Data and how it is calculated Future issues for the Parent Forum to discuss PTA meeting (7.15pm) If you wish to make any comments or give feedback for points 2, 3 - Please could one person make some notes for your table and then feedback to everyone at the end of the session.
Parent Survey Headlines – Feb 2010 (180 returns) - July 2011 (214 returns) My child likes Tanbridge – 99% (+5% Feb ‘10) Students behave well – (92%) (+7%) Staff treat students with respect – 98% (+12%) I am kept well informed of my child’s progress – 97% (+3%) Good range of clubs – 91% (+28%) My child is safe at school – 99% (two students) (+1%) My child is safe on the bus – 95% (no previous) Very positive response 99% “happy overall” My child receives the correct amount of homework – (80%) (-10%)
Future Action Homework - setting? Parent Forum driving agenda P.T.A. - organise positions and hold an initial event Getting parents “over the threshold” Greater return on surveys – continue using the VLE Maintain high standards of service
PTA Ideas and questions Quiz monies Formal set-up -Roles needed/ volunteers?
and finally… Thank you for your time. Next meeting: February/March 2012 My contact is: pmarshallsay@ths.uk.net