Why Develop Christ-likeness? Lesson 1
Theme Our whole purpose is to be like God (Christ).
I. A Biblical Priority A. God’s Purpose for man 1. In His Image a. character b. spirit c. intelligence d. feelings e. choose f. commune
I. A Biblical Priority A. God’s Purpose for man 2. The image of God was marred by the sin of Adam & Eve. 3. Thru God’s grace He developed a 2nd plan.
I. A Biblical Priority B. The Indicator of Godliness. 1. A person’s heart determines his conduct. 2. Can do & say the right things w/wrong heart.
Sin God’s Initial Purpose – In His Image God’s Grace – His Image can be Recreated Sin God’s Initial Purpose – In His Image
II. The Solution for Sin A. Regeneration - the Beginning 1. Regeneration, or the new birth, is the beginning of the solution to the problem of sin.
II. The Solution for Sin A. Regeneration - the Beginning 2. Regeneration is a renewal, a change in appetite.
II. The Solution for Sin B. Sanctification - the Continuation. 1. The believer more and more stops sinning and is more and more set apart to God. 2. To be Godlike is to be Christlike.
Sin God’s Initial Purpose – In His Image Regeneration The Beginning Sanctification The Continuation God’s Grace – His Image can be Recreated Sin God’s Initial Purpose – In His Image
III. The Growth Process - Love A. Love for God 1. Strength - physical energy 2. Heart - spiritual being 3. Soul - self-consciousness 4. Mind - reasoning
III. The Growth Process - Love B. Love for Man 1. Love your neighbor as yourself. 2. 1 Cor. 13:4-7
Sin God’s Initial Purpose – In His Image The Growth Process – Love Love for God & Love for Man Regeneration The Beginning Sanctification The Continuation God’s Grace – His Image can be Recreated Sin God’s Initial Purpose – In His Image