Week 11 Embodiment & Feminist Theory Revision Week 11 Embodiment & Feminist Theory
Exam Format Exam is 2 hours long Requirement to answer 2 questions Both questions have equal weighting
Is the body natural? The impact of culture Sex and Gender Cartesian dualism Pure and polluted bodies
Embodying class, ‘race’ and gender Embodiment of class Femininity is always a classed position Bodies are racialised
‘Imperfect Bodies?’ the politics of disability and ageing Social construction of disability Ageing is always a gendered identity
Medical power and surveillance Normal bodily processes can be defined as medical matters Biopower Surveillance medicine
The Politics of HIV/AIDS The association with deviance impacts on prevention and treatment services Women are made more vulnerable because of both biological and social factors
‘What’s love got to do with it?’ Emotional Bodies Emotions are socially constructed Feeling rules Emotional labour
Dressing Up: Fashion and beauty fascism? Gendered impact of appearance rules Beauty Myth perpetuates inequality Fashion as a method of empowerment
Vulnerable Bodies - Gendered violence Violence is about power relationships Builds of ideas about femininity and masculinity Men and women are affected by gendered violence
The rise of the Cyborg? Technology interrelated with social relationships Cyborg and cyberspace build on existing identities Commodification of bodies/body parts
Good exam answers Have a clear structure (introduction, main, conclusion) Will construct a strong argument Integrate theory with examples