Welcome to Mrs. Scanlon’s Class! scanlonmath.weebly.com
We are going to sneak out a minute early to avoid traffic! Tonight’s Schedule 1st Period 6:35-6:45 2nd Period 6:51-7:01 3rd Period 7:07-7:17 4th Period 7:23-7:33 We are going to sneak out a minute early to avoid traffic!
Spring Semester Schedule 1st period: Math 2 2nd period: Math 2 3rd period: Planning 4th period: Math 3 Spring Semester Schedule
Supply List paper pencil graphing calculator (optional) effort positive attitude
allows me to communicate with students to remind them of deadlines, assessments, etc. not getting a Remind message is not an excuse for being unprepared
scanlonmath.weebly.com class schedule, missing work, helpful resources students in Math 2 have a personal login to Canvas (Math 2 material is copyrighted) librarians can help students with Canvas
This is a state-made final exam. Semester Grading Quarter 1: 40% Quarter 2: 40% NC Final Exam: 20% This is a state-made final exam.
Assignment Grading Major 50% Minor 35% Daily 15%
Homework given for practice so students can master concepts nightly assignments grades are based on a combination of accuracy and effort recorded on a stamp sheet
grades are put in PowerSchool as soon as possible homework stamp sheets are taken up on test day and homework for the unit is entered at once if you don’t see grades in for homework during a unit, please wait until the test the front office can help students with PowerSchool
National Honor Society Monday Math Help National Honor Society Tuesday Math 2 PLT Math 3 PLT Wednesday Pats Making Mats Thursday Lunch Duty Friday Department Meeting STAR Lunch Schedule
National Honor Society Peer Tutoring students can request a peer tutor to come to STAR lunch at bit.ly/AFHShelp students should make requests at least 3 school days in advance the student must show up to STAR lunch and a peer tutor will be waiting to help!
Other Resources ask questions during class monitor grades on PowerSchool utilize the websites in the "Resources" section of the website to aid in studying review study skills and test-taking strategies with a guidance counselor if absent, complete makeup homework, quizzes and/or tests in a timely manner
What’s going on in Math 2 right now? Unit 2 review today group quiz tomorrow test on triangle congruence Friday
What’s going on in Math 3 right now? quiz today graphing and writing polynomial equations tomorrow
Contact I cannot discuss individual students tonight I am glad to email, speak on the phone, or schedule a conference email me at sscanlon@wcpss.net or use the “Contact” section of the class website always feel free to reach out
Why all the grocery bags? NHS members crochet sleeping mats for the Raleigh Rescue Mission durable, waterproof, comfortable, lightweight, and made free with recycled material if you have a “bag o’ bags” at home, please send it in with your student!