Status OpenSearch Standardisation Activities - HMA-S Project Workshop Linked Open Data & OpenSearch Y. Coene, Spacebel s.a. C. Gizzi, ASTRIUM-UK Frascati - 15 January 2014 Workshop Linked Open Data & OpenSearch
Overview HMA for Science Contributions to standardisation Conclusion Metadata specification Product discovery specification Ordering specifications Feasibility Analysis specification Conclusion Workshop Linked Open Data & OpenSearch
HMA-S project has been kicked-off in January 2013 HMA for Science HMA-S project has been kicked-off in January 2013 To further consolidate HMA standards according to the AWG recommendations, with the goal to pursue simplification of protocols for metadata, search, feasibility analysis and identity management. To finalise OpenSearch document with EO Product search, metadata AND download options. Definition of OpenSearch extension for feasibility analysis allowing seamless integration with search and download. Workshop Linked Open Data & OpenSearch
Metadata specification Requirements: Update taking into account feedback from ngEO, Sentinel missions etc. Contribution to standardisation: OGC 10-157r4, EO Profile of Observations and Measurements, 06/01/2014 – OGC EOPMOS SWG. Workshop Linked Open Data & OpenSearch
Discovery specifications Requirements: Use of OpenSearch for EO product discovery ngEO use cases including correlation search CEOS feedback. Contribution to standards: OGC 10-032r8, Geotemporal Extension for OpenSearch, 05/09/2013 – last update 20/12/2013 (integration of OGC public comments from RFC) OGC 13-026r3, OpenSearch Extension for Earth Observation, 13/12/2013 – OGC EOPMOS SWG. OGC 13-068, OpenSearch Extension for Correlated Search, 30/05/2013 – Discussion Paper. Workshop Linked Open Data & OpenSearch
Discovery specifications Approach: Queryables for collection and product discovery Mapping to EOP O&M and ISO 19139 metadata Supports any type of XML metadata (open approach): By reference (atom:link) or foreign markup Atom response type but easily applicable to RDF response type. Remaining work: Extend queryable mapping to ISO19139 Mapping issue with eo:imageQualityDegradation OGC to define mechanism to differentiate GML media types (e.g. distinguish EOP O&M 1.0 from 1.1 in Atom:link). Dependency on draft Parameter Extension for OpenSearch Workshop Linked Open Data & OpenSearch
OpenSearch extensions Work in progress, several issues, not under HMA-S project or OGC control. Useful for search by keyword URI Workshop Linked Open Data & OpenSearch
Ordering specification Requirements: Alternative for OGC 06-141 for RESTful environments and order options discovery via OpenSearch. Contribution to standards: OGC 13-042, RESTful encoding of Ordering Services for EO. Workshop Linked Open Data & OpenSearch
Ordering specification Workshop Linked Open Data & OpenSearch
Ordering specification Workshop Linked Open Data & OpenSearch
OpenSearch - EO Extension CSW 3.0 WFS Light (I29) (I30) (I31) OpenSearch - Geospatial and Temporal Extensions OGC 10-032r8 OpenSearch - EO Extension OGC 13-026 Download EO Extension OGC 13-042 EO Data Access Protocol OGC 13-043 OpenSearch 1.1 Draft 5 IETF RFC-2616 HTTP IETF RFC-5845 Metalink Draft or future specification New HMA-S specification Existing standard Workshop Linked Open Data & OpenSearch
Feasibility Analysis specification Requirements: Lightweight version (HTTP binding) of Sensor Planning Service for EO (OGC 10-135 Satellite Tasking Extension for SPS), … OpenSearch-style interface Consistent with EO Extension for OpenSearch OGC 13-026. Contribution to standards: OGC 13-039, OpenSearch Extension for Satellite Tasking, 04/11/2014 – Vote for Best Practice in OGC TC Mumbai (SWE DWG). Workshop Linked Open Data & OpenSearch
Conclusion All proposed specifications being standardised through OGC. HMA-S will also provide corresponding reference implementations (open-source) and CITE ETS / CTL scripts. Further reading: ESA_TM-21_Heterogeneous_Missions_Accessibility Workshop Linked Open Data & OpenSearch
SPARE SLIDES: OGC 13-042 ROSEO (courtesy Telespazio) ADDITIONAL REFERENCES Workshop Linked Open Data & OpenSearch
ROSEO Resources – OrderOptions – OSDD format Order Options in OSDD format includes: Extension to the OSDD, via the foreign markup mechanism, for including OrderOptions resource in “canonical” XML format. As specified in OpenSearch standard, “OpenSearch Description Documents can be extended with new XML “foreign” elements and attributes provided that all of them are associated with an explicit XML namespace. Clients that encounter unrecognized foreign elements should ignore them and continue to process the document as if these elements did not appear”. Extension to the Open Search Template URL for including OrderOptions parameters as template parameters. The namespace of these extensions is the ROSEO one: Prefix: roseo URL: Copyright © 2013 Open Geospatial Consortium
ROSEO Resources – OrderOptions – OSDD example <mstns:OpenSearchDescription xmlns:oseo="" xmlns:roseo="" xmlns:swe="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:mstns="" xmlns:xsi=""> <mstns:Url type="application/atom+xml" template="http://some.eocat.server/ESA:EECF:ENVISAT_ASA_IMx_xS?q={searchTerm}&count={count}&startIndex={startIndex?}&startPage={startPage?}&language={language?}&inputEncoding={inputEncoding?}&outputEncoding={outputEncoding?}&bbox={geo:box?}&geom={geo:geometry?}&id={geo:uid?}&lat={geo:lat?}&lon={geo:lon?}&radius={geo:radius?}&rel={geo:relation?}&loc={geo:name&}&startdate={time:start?}&stopdate={time:end?}&prclv={roseo:ProcessingLevel}&prdt={roseo:ProductType}&qos={roseo:QualityOfService}"/> <mstns:SyndicationRight>open</mstns:SyndicationRight> <mstns:OutputEncoding>UTF-8</mstns:OutputEncoding> <roseo:OrderOptions xsi:schemaLocation=" roseo.xsd" xmlns:oseo="" xmlns:roseo="" xmlns:swe="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:xsi=""> <roseo:OrderOptionGroup> <oseo:productOrderOptionsId>Level 1,Product PRI (ASA_IMP)</oseo:productOrderOptionsId> Copyright © 2013 Open Geospatial Consortium
ROSEO Resources – OrderOptions – OSDD example <oseo:description>Order Options for producing ASAR IMP 1P product</oseo:description> <oseo:orderType>PRODUCT_ORDER</oseo:orderType> <oseo:option> <swe:DataRecord> <swe:field name="processingLevel"> <swe:Category updatable="false" optional="true" definition=""> <swe:identifier>processing Level</swe:identifier> <swe:constraint><swe:AllowedTokens><swe:value>1B</swe:value> Copyright © 2013 Open Geospatial Consortium
ROSEO Resources – OrderOptions - OSDD OrderOptions declaration (when retrieving options): it is a template parameter in a URL. Example:<path>?<other parameters>& prclv={roseo:ProcessingLevel} OrderOptions setting (when creating the request): Copyright © 2013 Open Geospatial Consortium
ROSEO Resources – OrderOptions - OSDD in case of simple order options i.e. defined using basic types like xs:int, xs:string, xs:dateTime, the setting is straightforward: just replace the Template parameter with the URL encoded value. Example:<path>?<other parameters>& prclv=1B&prdt=ASA_IMS_1P&qos=STANDARD in case of structured order options i.e. defined using complex types like: arrays, structures and nested structures the mapping is more complex because a rule has to be defined for encoding the values of sub-parameters. For the sake of simplicity the well known and vastly used JSON syntax has been adopted. Example:<path>?<other parameters>&sbcc={“RedBand”:“band1”,“GreenBand”:“band6”,“BlueBand”:“band12”} Copyright © 2013 Open Geospatial Consortium
Additional references searchRetrieve: Part 0. Overview Version 1.0, OASIS Standard, Workshop Linked Open Data & OpenSearch