TIC TAC KNOW Welcome to TicTac Town Copyright © 2002 Glenna R. Shaw and FTC Publishing All Rights Reserved Designed by David Swann of Jefferson County Schools http://jc-schools.net/PPTs-science.html#Grades6-12
Round One - Bank billions BANK GAS STATION GYM LIBRARY POST OFFICE DOCTOR’S OFFICE MUSIC STORE GROCERY PET SHOPPE Round One - Bank Galaxies are clusters of ____ of stars. billions Go To Round Two
Round One – Gas Station Milky Way BANK GAS STATION GYM LIBRARY POST OFFICE DOCTOR’S OFFICE MUSIC STORE GROCERY PET SHOPPE Round One – Gas Station The name of the galaxy to which the Sun and our solar system belong is: Milky Way Go To Round Two
Round One – Gym Spiral Galaxy BANK GAS STATION GYM LIBRARY POST OFFICE DOCTOR’S OFFICE MUSIC STORE GROCERY PET SHOPPE Round One – Gym Galaxies are classified according to their shape. The Milky Way is classified as a: Spiral Galaxy Go To Round Two
Round One – Library Big Bang BANK GAS STATION GYM LIBRARY POST OFFICE DOCTOR’S OFFICE MUSIC STORE GROCERY PET SHOPPE Round One – Library The name of the current theory used to explain the beginning of the universe is: Big Bang Go To Round Two
Round One – Post Office 10-20 Billion Years BANK GAS STATION GYM LIBRARY POST OFFICE DOCTOR’S OFFICE MUSIC STORE GROCERY PET SHOPPE Round One – Post Office The formation of the universe according to the most widely accepted scientific theory has taken: 10-20 Billion Years Go To Round Two
Round One – Doctor’s Office BANK GAS STATION GYM LIBRARY POST OFFICE DOCTOR’S OFFICE MUSIC STORE GROCERY PET SHOPPE Round One – Doctor’s Office According to the most recent theory of the origin of the universe, all of the matter and energy of the universe was compressed into a space no larger than: The nucleus of an atom Go To Round Two
Evidence for the “Big Bang” is that the universe is still ___________ BANK GAS STATION GYM LIBRARY POST OFFICE DOCTOR’S OFFICE MUSIC STORE GROCERY PET SHOPPE Round One – Music Store Evidence for the “Big Bang” is that the universe is still ___________ expanding Go To Round Two
Round One – Grocery yellow BANK GAS STATION GYM LIBRARY POST OFFICE DOCTOR’S OFFICE MUSIC STORE GROCERY PET SHOPPE Round One – Grocery The color of our Sun is _________ yellow Go To Round Two
Round One – Pet Shoppe Earth BANK GAS STATION GYM LIBRARY POST OFFICE DOCTOR’S OFFICE MUSIC STORE GROCERY PET SHOPPE Round One – Pet Shoppe One astronomical unit is equal to the distance from the Sun to the ________ Earth Go To Round Two
Round Two Clear the boxes and select a location. BANK GAS STATION GYM LIBRARY POST OFFICE DOCTOR’S OFFICE MUSIC STORE GROCERY PET SHOPPE Round Two Clear the boxes and select a location. Go To Round Three
What elements are involved in nuclear fusion? Hydrogen and Helium BANK GAS STATION GYM LIBRARY POST OFFICE DOCTOR’S OFFICE MUSIC STORE GROCERY PET SHOPPE Round Two - Bank What elements are involved in nuclear fusion? Hydrogen and Helium Go To Round Three
Round Two – Gas Station What is luminosity? BANK GAS STATION GYM LIBRARY POST OFFICE DOCTOR’S OFFICE MUSIC STORE GROCERY PET SHOPPE Round Two – Gas Station What is luminosity? How much light a star produces can be calculated using brightness and distance Go To Round Three
Where do black holes come from? BANK GAS STATION GYM LIBRARY POST OFFICE DOCTOR’S OFFICE MUSIC STORE GROCERY PET SHOPPE Round Two – Gym Where do black holes come from? Supernovas Go To Round Three
Round Two – Library Main sequence BANK GAS STATION GYM LIBRARY POST OFFICE DOCTOR’S OFFICE MUSIC STORE GROCERY PET SHOPPE Round Two – Library Where are the healthy stable stars on the HR diagram? Main sequence Go To Round Three
Round Two – Post Office What is a comet made of? Dust and ice BANK GAS STATION GYM LIBRARY POST OFFICE DOCTOR’S OFFICE MUSIC STORE GROCERY PET SHOPPE Round Two – Post Office What is a comet made of? Dust and ice Go To Round Three
Round Two – Doctor’s Office BANK GAS STATION GYM LIBRARY POST OFFICE DOCTOR’S OFFICE MUSIC STORE GROCERY PET SHOPPE Round Two – Doctor’s Office What is a shooting star? Meteor entering the atmosphere Go To Round Three
Red, orange, yellow, white, blue BANK GAS STATION GYM LIBRARY POST OFFICE DOCTOR’S OFFICE MUSIC STORE GROCERY PET SHOPPE Round Two – Music Store Arrange the stars coolest to hottest: white, yellow, blue, orange, red Red, orange, yellow, white, blue Go To Round Three
Why are planets so bright at night? They reflect the sunlight BANK GAS STATION GYM LIBRARY POST OFFICE DOCTOR’S OFFICE MUSIC STORE GROCERY PET SHOPPE Round Two – Grocery Why are planets so bright at night? They reflect the sunlight Go To Round Three
What are the four gas planets in order? BANK GAS STATION GYM LIBRARY POST OFFICE DOCTOR’S OFFICE MUSIC STORE GROCERY PET SHOPPE Round Two – Pet Shoppe What are the four gas planets in order? Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune Go To Round Three
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