Teachers Name: George Merkle Phone Number: 817-408-4850 Email: george.merkle@granburyisd.org Conference Period: 1st period (8:36 – 9:21) Teacher Tutoring Time (s): Available on request GMS Mission The mission of Granbury Middle School is to provide a safe instructional environment that develops good citizens by equipping students with the knowledge and skills to achieve their potential as lifelong learners.
Course Description Principals of Emerging Technology The students will learn Google Chrome Applications and other processing programs to help them in school and future careers. Career Exploration / Teen Leadership The students will explore future careers and learn leadership skill to help them become prepared for professional careers.
Student Behaviors Be Prepared Have these materials with you EVERY DAY: Agenda Writing Utensil Completed Assignment Requesting to leave to get one of the required materials will result in being marked tardy for the class period. Students must use the restroom during the four minute passing period and should not be late to class. It is NOT allowable to come to class and ask permission to be late so you can use the restroom. Take care of business during your five minute passing period.
Student Behaviors Be a polite and positive participant Be productive Speak only when given permission, and listen when others are speaking Raise your hand and be called on by the teacher before you speak. Be productive Turn in work on time and always do your best Use class-time given to work on assignments Be a problem solver Correct problems quickly and peacefully before they escalate
Student Behaviors Insubordination: Students must courteously and respectfully comply with the directives of any staff member at all times. Failure to comply with the directives of school personnel acting in the performance of their duties will be considered insubordination and subject to immediate disciplinary action (referral).
Show Respect Value yourself. Be honest and ethical, and practice strong moral values. You must respect yourself before anyone else will respect you. Treat all members of the school community and all visitors with the politeness and respect you would expect them to treat you with. Honor the ideas and opinions of others. Offer to help those that need help. Be responsible with property and belongings. If you borrow something, put it away Do NOT mark on furniture Sit in chairs
Promote Life-Long Learning You can develop lifelong learning traits: By showing curiosity about human nature and how the world works By seeking and valuing diversity By persisting in seeking out new solutions By using your unique talents and intelligence to promote positive change By learning and applying technological tools to solve problems
Computer Usage Policy Every student will sign the GISD Acceptable Use Policy in the student handbook. It’s the responsibility of each student to follow these guidelines while using the school’s computers and internet resources.
Policies Policies & consequences outlined in the student handbook will be strictly enforced. No food, water or gum in class. Be in your seat and quiet when the bell rings.
Other Classroom Policies
Make-Up Work Students will normally have one day for each day absent, plus one additional day to make up missed work. If the student knew of the assignment well in advance of the absence, it may be due immediately upon return as determined by the teacher. Teachers may also assign additional work to ensure students have sufficient opportunity to master the essential knowledge and skill or to meet course requirements. A student who does not make up assigned work within the time allotted by the teacher will be referred to the Z.A.P. Policy. Responsibility for requesting and completing make-up work rests entirely upon the student. It is your responsibility to remember to turn in assignments, and it is not your teacher's responsibility to remind you.
Grading Minor Grades – 70% Examples: Major Grades – 30%
Parent-Student Communication AGENDAS AND ASSIGNMENTS Students are required to write down their daily assignments in their student agenda. Class time is given for this purpose. Parents should check their child's agenda on a daily or weekly basis for completion. Agendas will be checked regularly, and students will be held accountable for filling them out completely. EMAIL ALERTS Parents may sign up for Email Alerts by logging onto the GISD website at www.granburyisd.org. PHONE CALLS: Parents will be notified of academic or discipline concerns. TEACHER WEB SITE Information can be obtained by visiting my website at the following link:_______________________
My Pledge To Students: To treat my students with respect and to provide them with a safe and secure learning environment.