Greek/Roman Myth Project
Step 1 Choose Myth character Mortal or immortal (heroine, hero, god, or goddess).
Step 2 Provide a visual that explores name and description of myth character. Iconography Etymology of name Etymology of items or names associated with character, etc. This must be revised for presentation-- final product
Step 3 choose myth
Step 4 apply myth
Step 5 (compare new to old: new can be a literary or modern application)
Step 6: focus on didactic application
Final Product visual for name and description of myth character. Iconography Etymology of name Etymology of items or names associated with character, etc. Multi-Flow map idea of cause and effect. Focus on old to new application. Apply moral or didactic application
Grading /25 points /25 points for cause and effect description visual for name and description of myth character /25 points for cause and effect description