Information Provisioning Project 10th Sept 2009
Background Part of xoserve’s Business Plan of Non UK Link Change and IS Investment Projects to replace the Operational Data Store (ODS) ODS implemented > 10 years ago as a tactical solution Reporting and data has changed significantly Now holds approx. 1.6 Tb of data ODS hardware, operating system, database version and reporting tools are old technology, costly to run, difficult to change and out of support Contains more data than necessary from some systems (UK Link & Gemini) and none at all from other systems (CSEPs, Unique Sites etc) Aim is to implement a solution which meets current and future predicted information needs
Objectives Information Provision Capability will ……….. Remove reliance on the ageing ODS infrastructure and associated offline systems and reporting tools Facilitate the delivery of services to the UK Gas Industry Deliver xoserve’s Management Information, Business Reporting & KPI’s Introduce more control Know what information is required, by whom and for what purpose Allow single version of the truth Allow more agility Ensure there is auditability and traceability of data to ensure change can be managed more efficiently Introduce a consolidated view Have a single point of entry for accessing all required data, histories and KPI statistics
Impact on you….. Internal project therefore implementation will be invisible to Shippers/Suppliers For information, will be in 3 iterations between Oct 09 and Apr 10 No planned changes to file formats or current methods of delivery Will ultimately allow us to provide a more flexible response to demands for information services from you