You will find out about the different careers available in NHSScotland You will find out what careers with NHSScotland would best suit you Learning intentions
You can name 6 careers you did not know were available in NHSScotland You know what career in NHSScotland would suit you Success Criteria
NHSScotland is the largest employer in Scotland NHSScotland is the largest employer in Scotland. In Scotland there are around 165,000 employees. That’s more than twice the population of Paisley! It’s more people than work in McDonald’s in the entire UK! (120,000).
Care and compassion... in how we work and treat each other. NHSScotland Values Everyone who works in NHSScotland is expected to know these values and to show them in what they do. Openness, honesty and responsibility… to help us make decisions. Dignity and respect... when we deal with other people and how they behave. Quality and teamwork... when we work together.
How do you think the cleaner was helping to put a man on the moon? What do you think the cleaner meant by saying this? What words might the cleaner have said if he was working in a hospital or health centre? The President of America, John F. Kennedy, visited NASA in 1961 to see how space rockets were built for astronauts. He introduced himself to a cleaner who was mopping the floor and asked him what he did at NASA. “I’m helping put a man on the moon!”, said the cleaner.
The cleaner understood that he had a small part to play in a very big organisation. Think about all the hospitals and health centres and science laboratories and patients' homes where NHSScotland staff work…
….every job in NHSScotland has a purpose, just the same as the cleaner at NASA had a purpose. Everyone working in healthcare helps people, whether you are a gardener, an administrative assistant or a nurse!
Explore our careers at Here you will find all our careers, listed in 13 job families. Home > Careers > Explore Our Careers
Here is a list of the 13 NHSScotland job families. Ambulance Services Allied Health Professions Business and Administration Clinical Healthcare Support Workers Dentistry Estates and Facilities Healthcare Science Medical Midwifery Nursing Optometry Pharmacy Psychology Here is a list of the 13 NHSScotland job families. You can find out more about these job families in the A CAREER FOR YOU IN HEALTH booklet.
NHSSCOTLAND JOB FAMILIES Ambulance Services Clinical Healthcare Support Workers Allied Health Professions Dentistry Business and Administration Estates and Facilities
NHSSCOTLAND JOB FAMILIES Healthcare Science Midwifery Nursing Optometry Pharmacy Psychology
NHSSCOTLAND JOB FAMILIES Staff talk about their jobs on the ‘Real- life stories’ section of the website. careers/real-life-stories/ Medical
Isabel - Chef, Golden Jubilee National Hospital Isabel is a Chef working at the Golden Jubilee National Hospital. Isabel completed a Modern Apprenticeship in Catering and now has a full-time job at the hospital. Watch the video about Isabel.
James - Housekeeper, Golden Jubilee National Hospital James has dyspraxia but it doesn't stop him from doing his job at the Golden Jubilee National Hospital. Watch the video to find out how James started out as a Modern Apprentice and now has a full-time job as a Housekeeper at the hospital.
Anne - Medical Secretary, NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde Anne is a Medical Secretary at the Royal Hospital for Sick Children. Anne's work includes audio typing, arranging theatre lists, making appointments and speaking to parents on the phone. Watch the video to find out more about Anne’s job.
Real Life Stories Find the career quiz here Scroll down and click here
LEARNING INTENTIONS FOR NEXT LESSON You will learn what a job description is and its purpose You will select one NHSScotland job profile and use this to create your own job description
Please contact us on 0131 656 3200 or email This resource may be made available, in full or summary form, in alternative formats and community languages. Please contact us on 0131 656 3200 or email to discuss how we can best meet your requirements. NHS Education for Scotland Westport 102 West Port Edinburgh EH3 9DN © NHS Education for Scotland 2017. You can copy or reproduce the information in this resource for use within NHSScotland and for non-commercial educational purposes. Use of this document for commercial purposes is permitted only with the written permission of NES.